Ok, now Im sure its none of you here but


In My Opinion
Someone has given out my E-mail to several firms for some reason.
Like I said, Im sure its none of you here since we have never actually met and you would not know me in this way, but still, I have to wonder how this should be dealt with.

first let me go on record as saying that I do not have a problem with the lenght of my penis, I do not wish to use any of the thousands of drug offers that I have recieved recently to enhance my member.

But it does cause me to wonder why someone would be having these sent to me.... Should I slap my wife when she gets home from work? Im sure the resluting onslaught to my person would be taken care of by the emergency room doctors...

or should I just let it go..

At any rate, how do these companies get the names to harrass?
Do they have spies that look over the stalls in the mens room?
Is there some formula that can be used to judge the lenght of the member by just looking at a person?

have I in a drunken fit of stupidity posted a picture of mr winky in all his glory and just dont remember...

so many E-Mails,, so many questions.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
I don't know, but they seem to think I have a small wee-wee too. :ohwell:


RBay keeps insisting for me to update my breached account too. Even though I have never, ever used them. :shrug:


In My Opinion
vraiblonde said:
I don't know, but they seem to think I have a small wee-wee too. :ohwell:
Now, I assume that you are a female.

one would hope that your winky would be very very small,, some might even say, non existant?

dont take the drugs.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
RoseRed said:

RBay keeps insisting for me to update my breached account too. Even though I have never, ever used them. :shrug:

what the hell is RBay? :confused: :killingme


bcp said:
Someone has given out my E-mail to several firms for some reason.
Like I said, Im sure its none of you here since we have never actually met and you would not know me in this way, but still, I have to wonder how this should be dealt with.

first let me go on record as saying that I do not have a problem with the lenght of my penis, I do not wish to use any of the thousands of drug offers that I have recieved recently to enhance my member.

But it does cause me to wonder why someone would be having these sent to me.... Should I slap my wife when she gets home from work? Im sure the resluting onslaught to my person would be taken care of by the emergency room doctors...

or should I just let it go..

At any rate, how do these companies get the names to harrass?
Do they have spies that look over the stalls in the mens room?
Is there some formula that can be used to judge the lenght of the member by just looking at a person?

have I in a drunken fit of stupidity posted a picture of mr winky in all his glory and just dont remember...

so many E-Mails,, so many questions.

Have you ever signed guest books with your e-mail address? if so, there are "bots" that go through web pages and extract e-mail addresses for mass spam.


9/11 - Never Forget!
An email sent to someone whose PC may have been compromised with any of thousands of spyware, viruses, or worms could have done it. Any of the thousands of bots constantly scouring the net could have picked up the address from almost anywhere and passed it to somewhere in eastern Europe or the PRC and suddenly you are on one of those "Three Million Email Addresses for $15" cd's that are available just about anywhere on the net. If you use your email address to communicate to anyone you could have been at risk for it being compromised. There are steps you can take to minimize the risk but you can never eliminate the probability that someone will get your address. ...and by the way, my SPAM filter at work intercepts these messages by the hundreds every day. Some of them advertise pills to enhance body parts that I never knew one would want to enhance! I just cleared my stats today and my filter intercepted over a quarter million spam messages last year. That's a heck of a lot of precious bandwidth.


We should all consider trusting and quoting ourselves for once.


RoseRed said:

RBay keeps insisting for me to update my breached account too. Even though I have never, ever used them. :shrug:
I got 2 emails yesterday from a motorcycle leather place with your ex's name on them.




New Member
If you visit chat rooms yahoo mostly,other ppl have legal chat clients that can asses your e mail addy>I have yazak and yahelite i can pretty add any one i want to my address book and figure out there email.BTW in chat rooms there are a lot of programs you can hijack passwords with.Just a thought!!!


New Member
bcp said:
have I in a drunken fit of stupidity posted a picture of mr winky in all his glory and just dont remember...

Well I do recall that terrible lawn mower accident. :biggrin:

Hello BCP. :howdy:


In My Opinion

now dont go telling about that lawnmower accident.
These people are not interested in stuff such as that:lmao:


New Member
I don't know.. from what I've read so far it seems like a nice group of people. Thanks for telling me about this place.

And the software looks soooo familiar. :wink:

Have Rick998 seen this? :bunny: