Okay, here's one for you


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by vraiblonde
What amuses me the most is that they have to make up a Republican that fits their warped ideas - can't find an actual person who says these things.

vrai, the extremists on the Republican side do the same thing. Both sides make up straw men that don't exist. If you listen to the extremists, you'd believe that all Republicans long for the return of Jim Crow, or that all Democrats long for the return of the Soviet Union.

My guess is that these people find comfort in viewing politics as pure good versus pure evil. It provides an easy explanation for why bad things happen in the world. But the world is much more complicated than that. Of course, I'm not going to get any agreement from diehard party loyalists.


endangered species

Originally posted by Frank

Hey, didn't you hear by now? O.J. was *totally* innocent!

See, I think this is the crux of the problem. You don't trust your fellow citizens. But what is the alternative? Got one? Monarchy? As long as you are in charge? You don't trust the jury system, so you dismiss it. I don't trust the jury system, so I want to get the influence of MONEY out of it and educate the masses.


Re: Re: Trees are bad


Originally posted by G.R. Quinn

Trees create CO2 which pollutes the air.


Trees are necessary for our survival.
Through photosynthesis trees produce
the all important gas we cannot live
without: oxygen (O2). As we breathe in,
our bodies take in oxygen and when we
breathe out, we release carbon dioxide
(CO2). Trees do the opposite. They take
in CO2 and release O2. This cleans the
air by removing poisonous CO2 so that
people and animals can breathe.

Only plants produce enough new oxygen to support life on
Earth. In one year, an average tree inhales 26 pounds
(11.79 kilograms) of CO2 and exhales enough O2 to keep
a family of four breathing for a year.

DID YOU KNOW…the rain forests generate about 40
percent of the world's oxygen?



Trees produce oxygen. G.R. Quinn produces carbon dioxide (and not just in here).

The question is: How long will Ronald Reagan keep polluting the planet?


How old is the earth?

Mr. Flintstone,

Some Jews and Muslims believe that the earth and man are only thousands of years old.


So do a lot of wacky Christians.


Football season!
not to be too picky with this, but forests also release C02, not just take it in.
Trees release C02 back into the air when plant matter breaks down the sugars they make during photosynthesis, a process called respiration. Much the same happens in forest soils, which absorb carbon from trees and release C02 as microorganisms break down plant matter. This equilibrium has been increasingly upset by the higher concentrations Of C02 in the atmosphere from burning fossil fuels.



Yep, trees do release CO2 as well as oxygen.

But they release much more O2 than they do CO2.

Whereas Mr. G. C. Quinn only releases CO2.

Some would call it "hot air."