Let me throw this little speculation out for the forum sharks to set upon...
Here in 2005, what restauraunt owner can deny access to a black man and not get ripped by the Rainbow Coalition, the media, and other groups before the ACLU even gets wind of the story? Where in America can someone be improperly denied their right to vote without the DNC or RNC taking the case before the ACLU even knows there's a problem? Where in America can a woman be denied a fair promotion without the EEOC, NOW, and the media beating the ACLU to the punch? The answers are all pretty much the same, i.e., nowhere.
So, where is the ACLU of today, now that all of their historical base cases have been taken by others? They are focusing on government and religion. And nine times out of ten, when you hear about the ACLU taking legal action, what it is about? Expanding the seperation of church and state. One must ask why? My feeling is that the ACLU is predominantly made up of liberals (I mean, when was the last time the ACLU took up a gun ownership case?), and what are two of the biggest issues for liberals? Abortion and Gay rights. And what organizations pose the biggest hinderence to these issues? Religion. So, could all of this focus by the ACLU be a determined effort to restrict the influence of churches so that Gays and the pro-choice crowd can have their way?