On what issues do you cross party lines?


New Member
So yeah. You're damn skippy I would fully agree with a flat tax - or better yet, as expressed earlier, a sales tax to replace the income tax altogether.

I too would like to see a flat tax system. As long as the rate is set fairly. But this also means taking away the tax deductions for corporations doing business here and OFFSHORE. Just this week, a Bush aid applauded companies taking work overseas. AND BUSH SUPPORTED HIS STATEMENTS.


Well-Known Member
I have voted Republican but Have occasionally drifted away whenever they start building the "Big Tent."

Bush has taken the conservative (yes fundamental) support for granted and thus I'm bolting the party for now.

I think after 15 years of republican Presidents since 1981 we could find a way to halt the execution of the unborn....they have failed to do this.

They have allowed courts to continue legislating unwanted leftist policies on things like Boy Scouts, public prayer, Gays, etc..

Both Reagan and GWB have allowed our southern border to grow soft and amnesty has been offered to millions of law-breakers.

Nafta has crippled our industries and we spend too much time pandering to the UN.

Too many soft-touchy-feely programs offered to American Loathing Liberals who are never satisfied and should simply be ignored.

Promises were made back in the 90's to scrap the Dept of Education...backed off as always.

Largest Medicare boost since the Great society...and it came from a Republican!!!UGH!

Tort reform?...nothing on the horizon despite it being promised.

George Bush has proved to be a front for the Left with a semi-genuine Faith in God (which I do appreciate)

My vote goes to Howard Phillips of the Constitution party.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by Christy
What also chaps my azz, is folks receiving back more tax dollars than they've paid in. :mad: :banghead:

You have a point. Can you give me an example? Do you mean like welfare?


Originally posted by Sparx
So yeah. You're damn skippy I would fully agree with a flat tax - or better yet, as expressed earlier, a sales tax to replace the income tax altogether.

I too would like to see a flat tax system. As long as the rate is set fairly. But this also means taking away the tax deductions for corporations doing business here and OFFSHORE. Just this week, a Bush aid applauded companies taking work overseas. AND BUSH SUPPORTED HIS STATEMENTS.
You of course know why so many jobs are going overseas? Because you and you Democrat hack buddies who are in bed with the labor unions priced themselves right out of work. You got some baboon driving a forklift in Detroit making $21.00 an hour because he is a member of the UAW. Wages go up, prices go up. Then as a reward for their undying support (read=reach around) the UAW funnels millions of $$ to Dems through PACs and independent political activity. Dues money going to fund the DNC even if the bubba's parting the dues like the DNC or not. You chime about Republicans being in bed with "Big Business" yet you turn your head and cough when the Teamsters are giving Terry McBowhard a hummer behind the curtain at the National convention.


Originally posted by Tonio
You have a point. Can you give me an example? Do you mean like welfare?
I believe her point is EIC (Earned Income Credit). Pay $300 in withholding, file a tax return with your 9 kids and get $3,000 back. they get back the $300 that was paid in as with holding, plus $2700 from the rest of us.
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Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by Pete
I believe her point is EIC (Earned Income Credit). Pay $300 in withholding, file a tax return with your 9 kids and get $3,000 back.

I would do away with all that under a flat tax. Whatever percent the rate is, that's what everyone pays. No deductions for anyone.


New Member
Originally posted by Tonio
The $15M guy pays $450K, while the $15K guy pays $450. Sounds fair to me, and it doesn't penalize people for earning more.

While I agree with your sentiment, let me throw this out there...Although the rate is flat, the higher-salaried person is still paying MORE than the other guy. Fair?

If fairness is the primary criteria, then folks using the most gov't services should be paying the most taxes. People with 5 kids should pay more than someone who is single because they require schools, bus transportation, parks, etc. Homeowners should pay more than apartment dwellers because of increased infrastructure required to serve sprawling subdivions. This would be "fair" (if you define fair as paying for what you get, not a convoluted plan to juggle society).

Now, I realize that charging more tax per child ain't gonna fly. But, a flat tax comes closest to being truly "fair".

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
And the flat tax is also unfair as it does nothing about the many that skirt income taxes completely by working illegally. Do away with income taxation and go with a national sales tax.


Originally posted by Ken King
And the flat tax is also unfair as it does nothing about the many that skirt income taxes completely by working illegally. Do away with income taxation and go with a national sales tax.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by Ken King
And the flat tax is also unfair as it does nothing about the many that skirt income taxes completely by working illegally. Do away with income taxation and go with a national sales tax.

You da man, Ken.