Once in a While, Your Husband Needs a Girlfriend


Registered User
This is a good article. And guys...the first words also read, "For the record, I think that you and I need the “boyfriend treatment” once in a while too" - This article goes both ways guys...

Once in a While, Your Husband Needs a Girlfriend

Remember what attracted you to him, and focus on those things. When you first dated your husband, you found something (or several things) about him very attractive. Was it his good looks, his smile, his sense of humor, the way he always made others feel comfortable, his honesty, or the way he always worked hard until the job was done? Make a list (in your mind, on paper or on your phone) and focus on it for several days. During that time, put the things that annoy you about him out of your mind.

Praise and thank him. When you were his girlfriend, you probably focused on the positives and praised him a lot. So now that you’re thinking about the things that attracted you to your husband, praise him for those and other things. Tell him what you appreciate about him. Thank him for the things that he does for you and your family. Again, do this over a weekend or a couple of days, and avoid criticizing him during that time. If it feels awkward, start with something small or non-threatening – “I love the way you play with the kids when you get home from work.” “Thank you for taking care of my car so I don’t have to worry about it.” Whenever possible, praise him in front of other people -”I’m so lucky that Joe is handy around the house. We’ve never once had to call a plumber.” “I never would have finished my degree if Tom hadn’t taken on more than his share with the kids and the house.”

Let him be a man. Your husband is not your sister, one of your girlfriends, or one of your children. He’s a man, and he’s your man. So treat him like one. Celebrate his masculinity, even if some aspects of it annoy you at times. If he wants to take care of something around the house, let him do it – his way. If he wants the two of you to do something together (dinner, movie, concert, trip), let him plan it and go along happily with what he has planned. And please, please, please – don’t treat him like a child. I have seen, and you probably have too, a wife chastise her husband in public as if he was a disobedient child. That is so destructive to a marriage, whether done publicly or privately. Of course, you can disagree with your husband or even criticize something he has done, but always in private and always as one adult to another.

Surprise him. One of the things that makes dating so exciting is that it’s full of surprises. Often you don’t know what to expect, and everything feels new. Girlfriends want to impress their boyfriends (and vice versa), and often use surprises to make them happy. After a couple of years of marriage, however, most of us fall into a routine and forget about the art of surprise. So think like your husband’s girlfriend. You know him better now than you did when you were dating him – what kind of surprises would he enjoy? Plan several things over the weekend or the days when you are focusing on the “girlfriend experience.” Would he like a special meal, a back rub, a gift, time to work alone on a project, new lingerie (for you!), time for the two of you to watch sports or a movie he likes? Be creative and keep the focus on his surprise and enjoyment.

Dress for him. When you were dating, you probably “dressed for” your husband regularly, whether dressing up to go out or wearing his favorite pair of jeans or top around the house. But if you’re like most women, and especially if you have young children, those days are long gone. No, you can’t dress up every day like you’re going on a hot date, but you can ditch the comfy sweats and mom jeans on occasion! Think about the things your husband likes you to wear, and wear those things for a weekend or a couple of days. As a bonus, spend a little more time on your hair and makeup too.

Enjoy sex with him. Whether or not you and you husband had sex before you were married, you probably felt very sexually attracted to him when you were dating. Now, maybe not so much. One of the great lies of our culture is that the best sex happens in new relationships between people who are not married (check out this excellent article). No – the best sex can happen and should happen between two people who are married and committed to each other for life. While you are focusing on being your husband’s girlfriend, work on rekindling the sexual attraction that you first felt for him. Let him know clearly that you are open for and interested in sex. If he would enjoy it, take the lead and initiate sex with him. Wear something that you know he thinks is hot. Consider trying something new that you know he would like, but that you’ve been hesitant to do. Above all, cultivate a positive mindset and plan to enjoy being intimate with your husband. Most husbands love and are turned on by a wife who is enthusiastic about sex.


WOW, that is a great article. I agree it needs to go both ways!!!

Definitely something to work on.



Registered User
I had to share this one on FB. I know too many unhappily married people.


Women forget that they use to take time and look sexy for their SO's...use to flirt for the sake of flirting...use to enjoy sex.
Men forget that they use to wear cologne and open ALL doors for their SO's...use to flirt without grabbing tits n ass...use to compliment and actually enjoyed foreplay...

If my husband forgot I would just have to remind him...luckily I don't have to because his memory is better than mine...lmao


Well-Known Member
You should have shared it with my wife years ago.

I've shared #### like this on my page in the past. I am pretty sure that she saw them. What's hilarious is that I know for a fact that some of my married friends' husbands bitch about not getting laid enough and my friends (the wives) comment under these posts on how wonderful their sex is. Ummmm...your husband doesn't seem to think so. :doh:


Well-Known Member

Women forget that they use to take time and look sexy for their SO's...use to flirt for the sake of flirting...use to enjoy sex.
Men forget that they use to wear cologne and open ALL doors for their SO's...use to flirt without grabbing tits n ass...use to compliment and actually enjoyed foreplay...

If my husband forgot I would just have to remind him...luckily I don't have to because his memory is better than mine...lmao

Dammit. I had a page typed in response to this till I realized that we're NOT in my forum. :ohwell:


Registered User
Look, I am NOT hanging from the chandelier anymore, I'm getting too old for that crap ... got it? :biggrin:

LMAO My hubs and I have a phrase for that:

(Cause our old asses aren't that limber any more)