One for LarryG

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Wonder if...

desertrat said:
How about an all expenses paid trip to dive with rays in Australia?

...a ceramic plate for your BC will be the new gotta have thing for Christmas?

Maybe the weight pockets will be redesigned to the center of the BC?

ALL expenses?
You know its a bad day diving when.....

10 - The divemaster gets seasick

9 - The dive operator tells you your C-Card is over its limit

8 - You notice the receipt for your air fill is from 'A-1 Propane'

7 - Your computer starts flashing the number for DAN

6 - As you are preparing your entry, someone points at the water and says 'Wow, look at the size of that thing!'

5 - You look around and your buddy has disappeared; along with all of the fish

4 - The divemaster gives you a speargun to take along '...just in case'

3 - Your buddy offers you his regulator and asks 'Do you want a hit?'

2 - While hanging on the line for your safety stop, the boat passes you on the way down

1 - 'Does anyone here know CPR?'
Larry Gude said:
...a ceramic plate for your BC will be the new gotta have thing for Christmas?

Maybe the weight pockets will be redesigned to the center of the BC?

ALL expenses?
kevlar BCs, not a bad idea. :yay:
desertrat said:
Nope that's one all right. Right after I took the pic he jumped about 4' closer. Hence my earlier post about taking their pictures with a flash. Another certain forumite was brave/ :whistle: enough to touch a nurse shark.
More like grab by the fin and then create a little brown water when he turned on me:lmao:
thakidistight said:
You know its a bad day diving when.....

10 - The divemaster gets seasick

9 - The dive operator tells you your C-Card is over its limit

8 - You notice the receipt for your air fill is from 'A-1 Propane'

7 - Your computer starts flashing the number for DAN

6 - As you are preparing your entry, someone points at the water and says 'Wow, look at the size of that thing!'

5 - You look around and your buddy has disappeared; along with all of the fish

4 - The divemaster gives you a speargun to take along '...just in case'

3 - Your buddy offers you his regulator and asks 'Do you want a hit?'

2 - While hanging on the line for your safety stop, the boat passes you on the way down

1 - 'Does anyone here know CPR?'

OMG! :killingme :killingme
How about: After you have made your entry, someone points at the water and says 'Wow, look at the size of that thing!' :lmao:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
How about...

desertrat said:
OMG! :killingme :killingme
How about: After you have made your entry, someone points at the water and says 'Wow, look at the size of that thing!' :lmao:

...just as you're getting in the water you hear..."No! Don........." splash.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
One of the instructors...

thakidistight said:
More like grab by the fin and then create a little brown water when he turned on me:lmao:

...a couple weeks ago was saying people play with them too much and that they WILL bite and they don't like letting go.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

desertrat said:
Movies not to watch,
Jaws, The Deep, Open Water.......what else?


When Ed Harris goes over that cliff and just goes down, down, down...makes my nuts shrink.