vraiblonde said:
So look on the bright side - the days of the DU are over. The Democrats will fire McAuliffe and try to turn their party back around. They'll give up on social engineering as a party platform and get back to the business of TRUE liberalism - i.e. sticking up for the little guy and Mother Earth. You'll no longer have to call yourself a "progressive" because "liberal" is such a dirty word.
Good times are ahead.
Vrai, that's all fine and good - these thoughts that you're hoping for; certainly get rid of McAuliffe - that would be a great start.
However, from watching some of the news talk shows, it seems the Democratic party has become a party of elitists, of intellectuals and snobs. That is one of the big reasons why they do not connect with mainstream America - the folks out there in the heartland, so to speak. They are big on abortion, big on "big spending", fixating on all the old programs, like curing Social Security ills, medical issues for seniors, but they also want to raise your taxes.
The Republican party is seen to have shifted it's base to the heartland; they like GW Bush out there, they like NASCAR races, backyard barbeques, moral leadership, they put great value in Home Security and Family Values. Of all the "Red" states out there, 11 out of 13 passed an amendment affirming their belief that marriage should only be between a man and a woman.
The thing is, with that kind of base thinking, among the movers and shakers of the Democratic party, how are they ever going to get back to the party they once were? The party that
really is for the little people, not just the party
that says it is.
For example, take the words of the the person I cited from the DU, who posted that he/she was attending law school in Oklahoma, but was going to move to an area where more people would appreciate his/her intellectual prowess - he/she could not connect with the mentality of people in Oklahoma! How typical of what the talk shows are saying.
Does anyone really believe Ted Kennedy, Robt. Byrd, Harry Reid, and Hillary Clinton, for example, really give a rats' azz for the little people?