One thing that made me mad about DEMS


Football addict
One thing that recently made me mad about Democrats was their hissy fit over Nader getting into the race. I say if the man wants to run then let him run dont have a fit. I think its also good that someone will stand up to the corrupt Democratic and Republican parties for once.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The Repubs were the same way with Perot and I thought they were being pretty small, even though my guy lost because of it. Anyone who can get on the ballot has a right to run for President. And trying to shame your competition into staying away because it threatens your win is ignorant. I admire Nader's spunk in not listening to all this Democrat whining and doing what he feels is right.


Football addict
Originally posted by vraiblonde
The Repubs were the same way with Perot and I thought they were being pretty small, even though my guy lost because of it. Anyone who can get on the ballot has a right to run for President. And trying to shame your competition into staying away because it threatens your win is ignorant. I admire Nader's spunk in not listening to all this Democrat whining and doing what he feels is right.

Yes I salute Nader for that as well. I hear he's running as an independent and not in the green party this time.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by http
We don't care this time who it is, as long as Bush is out.
Anyone But Bush. Bush Evil Empire. :duh: :duh:

Yeah, that Segway thing did it for me, too. :duh:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
I'm a dem, and I don't give a rat's ass if Nader runs or not. It's not like anyone but the fringe is going to vote for him anyway. And any candidate who can't win without those people voting for them, has no business in the position.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by http
I never said anything about an Evil Empire. Bush couldn't put together a working, fiscally sane Empire of any sort even if you gave him 40 years.
The US is working and fiscally sane right now, except for all those lib handouts Bush has been doling out. And the Dems want to dole out even more, so that's takes them out of consideration for me.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...take a little walk with me here...

You said:

I'd rather spend handouts on my own people than Iraqis and Afghanis to be nice???

Just where in the name of Adam Smith do you think the money we're spending on Afghanistan and Iraq is going???

I'll wait...



Times up: US companies with US employess with US families and US homes and US cars and kids in US schools with US personal and property taxes.

So, you'd rather give money to somebody collecting unemployment benefits, producing NOTHING and paying for NOTHING than give it to evil Halliburton who in turn are paying their people who in turn contribute back to our economy?

Is this the case?


Well-Known Member
The only hope I can see is if we can clear away the last 40 years of revisionism...the muck of the Great Society, the baggage of the New Deal...and get back to the core of the Constitution.

What did our founders envision?
Our first choice was a CONFEDERATION!
Our second choice was a LIMITED REPUBLIC.

What we have now is a stagnant bureacracy with a begging minority, an established aristocracy, a bloated eletion system, a horribly bent judicial system, a failing education program, and a hugely unfair tax system with enormous debt.

Can either party REALLY fix these problems? Rather they will perpetuate the flaws.

Bold answers for Big problems.
Constitution Party........period.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by http
You're beginning to scare me Vrai. You've got a website now. Why don't you get the rest of your a$$ into the 2000s
Why are you bringing me into this? Just felt like offering me a random insult? :confused:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...this isn't working.

I asked:

Just where in the name of Adam Smith do you think the money we're spending on Afghanistan and Iraq is going??? response to your statement:

I'd rather spend handouts on my own people than Iraqis and Afghanis.

...and you answered:

But to answer your question above, as far as Adam Smith goes, the U.S. Government hasn't been practicing laizzai-faire (sp) economics since the Organization of Confederate States.

...if I understand this correctly, you've stated an indefensible position and don't want to talk about it?

I've been Larry Gude since a few minutes after I was born. If I chose an MPD it would be something cool like 'Vlad the Impaler' or 'Golgoth the dumb liberal position exposer' or something, but certainly not...'Larry Gude'.

At minumum, we do agree that most of the money spent on Afghanistan and Iraq is going to US companies, yes? And that that is far better than paying people to sit at home, yes?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...I've had it with you.

You made an intellectually thoughtless statement:

"Handouts for your 'own people."

If 'your people' are just like you I'm sure they need handouts.

I pointed out the FACT that most of the money, diesel fuel or otherwise, ends up going to US companies who have US employeess who spend that money in the US.

I TRIED in vain to get you to realize that paying people to help screwed up places like Iraq and Afghanistan get better is preferable to handouts to your tribe in order for your people to do nothing but sit around and make thougthless statements that they then run from via insults and changing the topic when they get challenged for being thoughtless.

Your current tribal leader, JFK, is stuck in the same boat as you are: Pretending that it is somehow bad and wrong to rid the global tribe of the Taliban, Al Queda and Saddam Inc.

That is your real point and it is dumb and wrong and intellectually lazy and makes people say things like "hey, http is a dumb screen name. I'll bet that they are so dumb that they wish Osama and Saddam were still in power! Pretty dumb."

We could throw a party for you but you'd probably get upset that the cheese was government surplus or something, then you'd throw a hissy fit that the balloons were donated by Halliburton (along with the helium) then you might go over the edge when it dawns on you that taxes were paid on the rest of the goodies and those tax dollars will find their way TO IRAQ to BUY DIESEL FUEL!!!!


You should just say "Vrailarry, you're right, I just wasn't prepared to admit you are smarter than me. Thank you! Thank you!"

I'll wait.


24/7 Single Dad
Originally posted by http
I never said anything about an Evil Empire. Bush couldn't put together a working, fiscally sane Empire of any sort even if you gave him 40 years.

Good number, isn't that how long the Dems controlled both houses of congress? In that time did we EVER have a balanced buget? How about Social Security reform?

Yes, we must get George dubbua out at all costs. Why even a lying slut would be better. (reference to Bill Clinton in case you're stupid)


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by http
I'd rather spend handouts on my own people than Iraqis and Afghanis.
Not me. America is the greatest country in the world and anyone who isn't getting their piece of the pie is either too lazy to go after it or they just don't want it. If immigrants who don't even speak English can come over here and make a life for themselves, certainly a native-born citizen has those same opportunities.

The Iraqis, on the other hand, haven't had that opportunity. They've been living under an oppressive regime for many years and I'm all for giving them a chance to get their country back and prove themselves.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by http
That was YOU Vrai. K? Can we drop it now?
NO!!! :lol: The handouts I was referring to are the African AIDS crap and the Medicare crap. I don't consider the Iraqi money to be a handout because we'll get a return on our investment, if Bush does it right.