Online Dating and the ex


It's a Jeep thang!
In honor of Vrail and her love for the online dating world, I have to ask this question:

How many of you divorced/seperated folks have made a profile on an online dating site and then found your ex-significant other there? What was your reaction?

Just curious.


New Member
I did a search for my STBXH when I created my profile. I also did a quick check through spokeo. I got a little scared and hid my profile since we are not legally separated. I didn't want him to be able to use the OLD against me. STBXH and I met through OLD 10 years ago.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I found a couple of guys that I'd dated in the past and after reading their profile I was like:


It's not so much that they lied but they had some important omissions. Like "I'm also gay" and "I'm a massive control freak" and "I'm an emotional retard." Oh, and "social drinker" seems to be quite subjective.


New Member
Like "I'm also gay" and "I'm a massive control freak" and "I'm an emotional retard." Oh, and "social drinker" seems to be quite subjective.


I too have found that you have a lot of weeding out to do. The main thing is if you have specifics within your profile about let's say, age and the age range you are seeking, I get all kinds of contacts that are outside of that age range. I also found that the "social drinker" is prominent which I take to mean that they are still into the bar scene regularly. I feel for you with the one about being gay, I think I would have lost it on that one.


Well-Known Member
I found a couple of guys that I'd dated in the past and after reading their profile I was like:


It's not so much that they lied but they had some important omissions. Like "I'm also gay" and "I'm a massive control freak" and "I'm an emotional retard." Oh, and "social drinker" seems to be quite subjective.



Soul Probe
I'm pretty sure that the guys have to do just as much weeding, and I'm also pretty sure that more than a few women aren't totally honest either. It's not like they're going to type "I'm a raging alcoholic who goes bipolar once a month with five babies daddies and have been married and divorced three times." :lol:

I never did see a profile for my ex-husband, but I have seen co-workers.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It's not like they're going to type "I'm a raging alcoholic who goes bipolar once a month with five babies daddies and have been married and divorced three times." :lol:

Exactly. Which is why it's better to meet people IRL instead of computer dating. At least if you know people who know him (or her) you can get a heads up on that sort of thing.

"So, tell me about so-and-so...?"
Forget him, he's gay; or She has a thing for men who smoke crack and an aversion to birth control.

Nice to get that out of the way before you invest any time.


New Member
I found a couple of guys that I'd dated in the past and after reading their profile I was like:


It's not so much that they lied but they had some important omissions. Like "I'm also gay" and "I'm a massive control freak" and "I'm an emotional retard." Oh, and "social drinker" seems to be quite subjective.


When did you realize he really WASN'T gay??
This is polite man code for "you need to be put in a straightjacket, locked in a rubber room, & pumped full of Thorozine you frickin psycho!!" just for future reference vrai


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

When did you realize he really WASN'T gay??
This is polite man code for "you need to be put in a straightjacket, locked in a rubber room, & pumped full of Thorozine you frickin psycho!!" just for future reference vrai

So you're saying that men turn gay rather than simply tell a woman they're not interested in her? An extreme version of "the fade"?

Apparently it's worse out there than I thought.


Obama destroyed America
I'm pretty sure that the guys have to do just as much weeding, and I'm also pretty sure that more than a few women aren't totally honest either.
Understatement of the year.... :lol:

Posting a pic of a 5'-8", attractive brunette then showing up as a 4'-11" tall x 4' wide blonde is NOT funny! :mad:

Neither is using a picture of your mother from the 60's (mom was cute, daughter, not so much). :barf:

Disclaimer: I am not referring to R1 with either of the above. She is a cutie.


Active Member
Back when I first had a profile I was letting a friend read it to comment. She happened to look down at my responses and saw her ex-husband and she was pissed. She made me delete him right away (I wasn't interested anyway) Kind of uncomfortable.

I had a short exchange with my ex when I first signed up, along the lines of making sure we were on different sites. :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
When I was on Match it kept trying to hook me up with a guy I was already sorta kinda seeing, who I liked okay but he wasn't "the guy". I thought it was interesting because we *are* very compatible on paper, but not so much in reality.


I found a couple of guys that I'd dated in the past and after reading their profile I was like:


It's not so much that they lied but they had some important omissions. Like "I'm also gay" and "I'm a massive control freak" and "I'm an emotional retard." Oh, and "social drinker" seems to be quite subjective.


First time I tried on-line dating the first woman they matched me up with was the woman I just had a nasty break-up with! Pretty much left after my trial subscription was up thinking what a waste... but I did enjoy reading her profile and rolling on the floor laughing my @$$ off!

I think you should put together a guide to decoding online dating descriptions i.e. "healthy appetite for life = I'll eat anything not nailed down to the table"