Operation Repo


Power with Control
Should be titled "Too stupid to live".

"Hmmm, I have this repo order on a 2009 Harley, when would be a good time to go to a biker hot rod shop and ask for the bike? 0900? Maybe 2pm?Nah, I think 7=8pm Friday night, that would rock".

"Wow, theres like 5-6 very big bikers there, and I'm alone, except for the bosses 19 year old daughter, wonder if I should come back later? Nah, this'll be fine."

"I just told the guy I need to repo that bike. He said the owner owes him 6K, and he aint letting the bike go til he gets paid, wonder if I should come back later, like tomorrow AM with 4-5 guys? Nah, I'll tell Mr Biker Man that I'm gonna take that bike.

BAM!!!!! "Damn, that felt like a heeluva sucker punch, pavement feels cold, ow, them boots hurt, hope the bosses daughter is okay, while I'm getting my ass kicked by 4 bikers"

Then, next section, they try an Escalade at the park. Owner and his bandana wearing cohorts argue about 2 minutes, then most leave "to get some stuff", running. Hmmm, maybe GUNS!!!!!!!! Yep, 30 seconds later, theres 4 guns in there faces. Ya think, 4 19 year olds, driving an Escalade, playing basketball at an LA city park, they just might be gang members?
Funny show! :lol:
See the episode where Matt had to take a dump? Due to impending drawers soiling, he towed the car, knowing there was a cameraman in it. Then he drove way too fast around a corner. Car being towed rolled. Totalled it. Think his dump was delyed a little more than if he had taken the time to beat the cameraman for getting in the car and then drove at a safe speed to the closest portajohn. It was TFF.


Power with Control
In my defense, after seeing what I described above, I dont watch it anymore:) Not that I had, this was the first episode I had watched.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Last night was the first time I have ever seen that show. I was randomly flipping channels and it caught my interest. I can honestly say, it will not be part of any TV rotation that I don't really have. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Typical dialog

Bleep bleep bleep truck bleep bleep bleep no bleep bleep bleep bleep keys bleep bleep bleep bleep truck bleep bleep bleep no bleep bleep bleep bleep keys bleep bleep bleep bleep truck bleep bleep bleep no bleep bleep bleep bleep keys bleep bleep bleep bleep truck bleep bleep bleep no bleep bleep bleep bleep keys bleep bleep bleep bleep truck bleep bleep bleep no bleep bleep bleep bleep keys bleep.......dumbass show.:bigwhoop:...