

I wanna be a SMIB
anyone buying this pregnant guy sh!t on Oprah. He was born a woman, how hard is it to get pregnant. I bet when he had a semi sex change, he she kept the uterus. I dont know, the story is just coming out. But so far Im not buying it.


I wanna be a SMIB
Now tomorrows show,:burning: Im crying:bawl: just watching the previews. Gee, I feel like Im in this thread by myself.:shrug:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I watched a little bit of it. It kind of made me :barf: I had to turn it off and seek forum support.


I wanna be a SMIB
Still a woman in my book. Had he /she been born a man, this would not be going on. And oprah, jeez, whats she becoming, Maury. Next theyll have this couple back for the are you my bebes daddy show.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Still a woman in my book. Had he /she been born a man, this would not be going on. And oprah, jeez, whats she becoming, Maury. Next theyll have this couple back for the are you my bebes daddy show.

:lol: It will be the "my daddy had a baby" show.


I wanna be a SMIB
Tomorrow there will be a 400 page thread because of the puppy mills. I wont be able to type thru the tears.


I wanna be a SMIB
I keep forgetting. Even when I had a job before I left MD, I had a tv in my office, boss liked the customers to have something to watch plus it kept me out of his hair.


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
Still a woman in my book. Had he /she been born a man, this would not be going on. And oprah, jeez, whats she becoming, Maury. Next theyll have this couple back for the are you my bebes daddy show.


This "guy" is still a woman.

"Beatie, 34, who lives in Oregon, was born a woman but decided to become a man 10 years ago. He began taking testosterone treatments and had breast surgery to remove glands and flatten his chest.

"I opted not to do anything with my reproductive organs because I wanted to have a child one day," he told the talk show host. Beatie's wife Nancy said she inseminated him with a syringe using sperm purchased from a bank."​

Some male hormones and chopping off her breasts doesn't make her a man in any way. Where is the miracle here? Just because she wants to be called a man dosen't make it so. Genetically and physically she remains a woman, the PC crap of having to call the gender confused by their "chosen" sex is ridiculous in cases like this. :cussing:


I wanna be a SMIB

This "guy" is still a woman.

"Beatie, 34, who lives in Oregon, was born a woman but decided to become a man 10 years ago. He began taking testosterone treatments and had breast surgery to remove glands and flatten his chest.

"I opted not to do anything with my reproductive organs because I wanted to have a child one day," he told the talk show host. Beatie's wife Nancy said she inseminated him with a syringe using sperm purchased from a bank."​

Some male hormones and chopping off her breasts doesn't make her a man in any way. Where is the miracle here? Just because she wants to be called a man dosen't make it so. Genetically and physically she remains a woman, the PC crap of having to call the gender confused by their "chosen" sex is ridiculous in cases like this. :cussing:

Amen sister.


New Member

This "guy" is still a woman.

Like you said, she is a woman, temporarily off testosterone. She’s altered her body w/ surgery and hormones but she’s still female. The show was disturbing. They've set a hard road to walk for their future daughter. What a life the child will have to lead.


I'm all for gay people adopting and raising kids. No problem there, but I feel like the whole deal about her wanting to be a man, living AS A MAN etc. kind of means you give that part up too. Why didn't the "woman" have the baby? I came in late. I feel like this will cause alot of undo stress for the child. How do you explain "my daddy had me". He calls himself a man. Goes by a male name. It's just too far out there.


Like you said, she is a woman, temporarily off testosterone. She’s altered her body w/ surgery and hormones but she’s still female. The show was disturbing. They've set a hard road to walk for their future daughter. What a life the child will have to lead.

Oprah said she has a penis. She must have a penis and a vagina still. Weird.


b*tch rocket
Why didn't the "woman" have the baby? I came in late. I feel like this will cause alot of undo stress for the child. How do you explain "my daddy had me". He calls himself a man. Goes by a male name. It's just too far out there.

Because she had a hysterectomy. I personally don't see what the BFD is. :shrug: People find all kinds of weird ways to have a child, good on em for being creative. :yay:


Because she had a hysterectomy. I personally don't see what the BFD is. :shrug: People find all kinds of weird ways to have a child, good on em for being creative. :yay:

Ah. I don't know. If you want to be a man, feel you should have been born a man, why do you want to keep your repoductive organs? They are the whole reason you ARE a woman. I'm thinkin' she wasn't 100% about wanting to be a man in the first place. This leads me to the belief that her doctor should never have let her go as far as she did without 100% commital.


b*tch rocket
Ah. I don't know. If you want to be a man, feel you should have been born a man, why do you want to keep your repoductive organs? They are the whole reason you ARE a woman. I'm thinkin' she wasn't 100% about wanting to be a man in the first place. This leads me to the belief that her doctor should never have let her go as far as she did without 100% commital.

Why does it matter what he/she does with its body? People get their tits done, their tubes tied, faces lifted, pierce their privates etc... Why would you care? It's not your husband. They seem like a perfectly happy couple, the wife has two grown daughters who absolutely adore the guy/girl. Who are you (or me) to decide what anyone else does with their life?