O'Reilly now skeptical of Dubya


Well-Known Member
Well I saw Bush on "Meet the Press" Sunday. And I watched the Channel 8 repeat. And I listened again on C-SPAN radio. One thing comes across very clearly - the intelligence he, his Cabinet, the Senate, and our allies had in hand was so compelling as to make the question of *whether or not the WMD's were THERE* unthinkable. No one was saying back then, "I don't think he HAS them" - they were arguing about what to DO about them.

We have boatloads of rhetoric recorded on the Internet, from both sides of the aisle, from both Clinton's and Bush's administration, and from across the ocean in Europe - all arguing what to do about Saddam and his dangerous cache of WMD's.

Honestly? I may be the last person in America who thinks they are probably still or were still there. Saddam had his soldiers equipped with gas masks and anti-toxin. Why would he bother, if he never had the stuff?


Jlabsher speaking the gospel of O'Reilly, while not even seeing how hypocritical he's being... what a true Liberal. Will miracles never cease. :confused:


Sorry about that chief.
Bru, I used to watch O'reilly before he got political & flag waving. I liked the way he debunked both the right & left. Then he became a true flag-draped venom spewing conservative. I'm amazed he's turned around and is debunking your president.


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Staff member
PREMO Member
Even if I sometimes agree with him, O'Reilly is such a big blowhard I can't stand it when 2A watches that show anymore. :barf:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
Bru, I used to watch O'reilly before he got political & flag waving. I liked the way he debunked both the right & left. Then he became a true flag-draped venom spewing conservative. I'm amazed he's turned around and is debunking your president.

Oh hardly. He's always mentioned that he'd love to host any of the current administration on his show, and he's always been disappointed that most of them aren't interested. And then adds an insulting comment as to why he thinks they refuse.

I hardly think he's some kind of rabid shill for conservatism. He's got at least a half dozen beliefs he's aired openly that are very much at odds with the conservative mainstream.

I do really think that liberals detest any conservative thought being granted an equal portion on the media stage. When anyone dares to give them equal time, and respect, it must CERTAINLY be because such a host is conservative themselves. (Because no liberal would ever condescend to be 'fair' to conservative views, only caricatures of them).

Thus I find liberals to be completely intolerant of other views - they cannot stand to share the stage with anyone. They simply MUST get a liberal radio station and network!



Originally posted by SamSpade
I do really think that liberals detest any conservative thought being granted an equal portion on the media stage. When anyone dares to give them equal time, and respect, it must CERTAINLY be because such a host is conservative themselves. (Because no liberal would ever condescend to be 'fair' to conservative views, only caricatures of them).

Thus I find liberals to be completely intolerant of other views - they cannot stand to share the stage with anyone.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SamSpade
Thus I find liberals to be completely intolerant of other views - they cannot stand to share the stage with anyone. They simply MUST get a liberal radio station and network!
It's not that they can't stand to share the stage. It's that their views don't hold up under scrutiny. They like it better when it's just them and no one around to refute them.

Haven't you noticed on the talk shows, the libs tend to yell and interrupt, never letting their opponent get a word in edgewise? That's because they can't make a reasonable and factual case.

Notice that the libs around here complain that they get run off? Yet none of the conservatives have ever been run off? Libs can't hold they smoke - dat's what it is.


Sorry about that chief.
May have something to do with the fact that right wingers outnumber the others 5 to 1? Of course right wingers never call people names or use ugly tactics.:bawl:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
May have something to do with the fact that right wingers outnumber the others 5 to 1?
They never used to. We used to have a thriving community of Democrats on here. In fact, the Southern Maryland area is predominantly Democrat - take a look at old election data if you don't believe me.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
Of course right wingers never call people names or use ugly tactics.:bawl:

It may have escaped your notice that by and large, Bush hasn't done that during his Presidency - blame the previous administration or blame the Democrats. Certainly nowhere near the partisan poking in the eye done by Clinton or Gore. Once or twice he's said "some people in Washington want to raise your taxes" but he hasn't sunk to the Gore comment "those extra chromosome right wing-nuts" kind of stuff.

This morning Kerry was ridiculing Bush's claim that he'll create 2.2 million jobs this year. Did he do this by showing stats and numbers? By explaining that the plans to do it, won't work? That it's been tried in the same way, and hasn't worked? That the numbers won't get that high because blah-blah-blah? Of course not - he commented "I wonder if he's getting his information from the same place the CIA is getting their intel about weapons of mass destruction". How *clever* of him.

Ridicule - it's what you do when logic won't work. Or you don't HAVE any.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by vraiblonde
They never used to. We used to have a thriving community of Democrats on here. In fact, the Southern Maryland area is predominantly Democrat - take a look at old election data if you don't believe me.

That's changing with each election. The families who have been here for generations are still Democrats. It seems to me that most Republicans here are newcomers, some in the bedroom communities in Charles and Calvert and some who work at Pax.

The Democratic tilt was holdover from the Civil War, when Southerners and sympathizers in Maryland were pizzed at Lincoln. The federal government came down hard on Maryland during the war because it was afraid the state would secede and leave the capital surrounded by enemy territory. At one point, the editor of the St. Mary's Beacon newspaper was thrown in jail for "sedition." And the lyrics to Maryland My Maryland about tyranny were directed at Lincoln.

From a state unity standpoint, I don't think it's healthy that the Dems have a lock on MoCo, PG and Baltimore while the GOP strength is growing in the rest of the state. It makes politics too us-against-them. Plus, it gives the Sharpton-type racial ambulance chasers some encouragement for their bogus claim that rural whites are only voting Republican because they're racist. We don't need any of that kind of fearmongering


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Tonio
It makes politics too us-against-them. Plus, it gives the Sharpton-type racial ambulance chasers some encouragement for their bogus claim that rural whites are only voting Republican because they're racist. We don't need any of that kind of fearmongering

Generally speaking, white males vote Republican everywhere. But the rural versus city is just exploiting stereotypes. Rural people vote Republican because it's in their interest to keep government out of their rural independent lifestyle. Inner city people tend to vote Democrat because it fits *their* lifestyle. And suburbanites tend to follow, very slightly, rural sentiments about politics.

When it all comes down to it, it's really the wallet that votes.

But politicians would rather scare you into believing that all of the rural regions are full of pig-lovin' Deliverance types who can't read and still lynch blacks for fun on weekends, whilst city folk are progressive advanced types, highly enlightened and tolerant. See, that's why cities are havens of blissful peace, where the rural regions are turf-war ridden riot zones where people fear going outside at night and have grates over their doors. In the city, the non-racist public lives in peace with their minority neighbors, whom they know very well, but in the rural regions, no one knows one another because they fear strangers and nightfall.

Yep, that's how it works.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by SamSpade
But politicians would rather scare you into believing that all of the rural regions are full of pig-lovin' Deliverance types who can't read and still lynch blacks for fun on weekends, whilst city folk are progressive advanced types, highly enlightened and tolerant.

True. There has been just as much fearmongering the other way, too. Nixon pioneered the use of code phrases like "criminal element" and "welfare queen" to play to other stereotypes.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Tonio
True. There has been just as much fearmongering the other way, too. Nixon pioneered the use of code phrases like "criminal element" and "welfare queen" to play to other stereotypes.

Did he really? Color me guilty then because those are stereotypes I still somewhat believe in, because I've seen it so very much. I've seen youth so incorrigibly corrupt they think nothing of killing someone for his shoes or because they looked at 'em funny. I've tried to help 'welfare queens' who had more babies to get more money, to get them jobs and get out of the projects. I tried getting those incorrigible types to church, only for them to drink all the communion wine and then fight over it. I tried to get the welfare queens jobs only for them to blow them off and cram their children into one room so they could rent one out to their sometime live-in boyfriend. I've swept floors nearly ankle deep in roaches, raw filth in the basement - only for them to go out and get pregnant AGAIN.

I don't know HOW to solve these kinds of problems. But I don't know something else - either these kinds of problems have ALWAYS existed, or somehow, human nature has changed in the last 50 years so it's more commonplace. Somehow, it's either always been this bad, or we've somehow created it by something we've done.

Either way, I have no clue how to solve it.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by SamSpade
Did he really? Color me guilty then because those are stereotypes I still somewhat believe in, because I've seen it so very much. I've seen youth so incorrigibly corrupt they think nothing of killing someone for his shoes or because they looked at 'em funny. I've tried to help 'welfare queens' who had more babies to get more money, to get them jobs and get out of the projects. I tried getting those incorrigible types to church, only for them to drink all the communion wine and then fight over it. I tried to get the welfare queens jobs only for them to blow them off and cram their children into one room so they could rent one out to their sometime live-in boyfriend. I've swept floors nearly ankle deep in roaches, raw filth in the basement - only for them to go out and get pregnant AGAIN.

I don't know HOW to solve these kinds of problems. But I don't know something else - either these kinds of problems have ALWAYS existed, or somehow, human nature has changed in the last 50 years so it's more commonplace. Somehow, it's either always been this bad, or we've somehow created it by something we've done.

Either way, I have no clue how to solve it.

Me neither. There are plenty of people of all ethnic backgrounds who abuse welfare or other government assistance. My wife used to work for Social Services. She says that for every person who was genuinely working to better themselves and needed help, there was another person who wanted a free ride. People who deal with workers' comp issues will tell you the same thing.

But what Nixon was trying to do was to invoke a specific racial myth, not to clean up the welfare system. Sadly, I have family members who believe those myths about blacks. They gave my brother so much shiat for dating the black woman who eventually became his wife.

As long as there are blacks who believe that whites are trying to keep them down, and whites who believe that blacks are lazy, there will be politicians who will exploit those myths for their own selfish purposes.