O'Reilly now skeptical of Dubya


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Tonio
But what Nixon was trying to do
Pssssst....Tonio...Nixon hasn't been President in 30 years. No, really...I seen it on the internet. What the Democrats are doing is happening today.



Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Pssssst....Tonio...Nixon hasn't been President in 30 years. No, really...I seen it on the internet. What the Democrats are doing is happening today.


:lol: Hey, if it happened in my lifetime, it's recent history! :lol:

My point is that neither party has a clean record when it comes to fearmongering. These days, it's usually done from a "class warfare" approach. Both are trying to win the middle class by claiming that other classes are out for their money. Many Dems blame the rich and many Reps blame the poor.

Here's another example of potential fearmongering--Dan Quayle's "cultural elite" remark. I doubt that Quayle meant it as anti-Semitic code (even though he grew up in a John Birch Society household). But many on the religious right have adopted that code to invoke myths about supposed Jewish cabals in Hollywood and higher education. After the D.C. preview of Mel Gibson's "The Passion," Laura Ingraham said she loved any movie that would "drive the anti-Christian entertainment elite crazy."


Not dead yet.
Originally posted by Tonio
: But many on the religious right have adopted that code to invoke myths about supposed Jewish cabals in Hollywood and higher education. After the D.C. preview of Mel Gibson's "The Passion," Laura Ingraham said she loved any movie that would "drive the anti-Christian entertainment elite crazy."

I didn't know that anti-christian meant "Jewish." I thought it just meant all of those folks that are trying to get people to shut up about their faith in Christ. Could be they're Jewish or Muslim or Athiest or Agnostic.

When Christians are routinely portrayed as stupid zombies or easily misled zealots on most TV shows and movies, we tend to feel a little put-upon. Occasionally one of us might make a statement against the generalized anti-Christian forces. whoever they may be. Personally I don't feel that Jews or Muslims are any more prone to be anti-Christian than anyone else.

Try not to be so sensitive.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by tlatchaw
When Christians are routinely portrayed as stupid zombies or easily misled zealots on most TV shows and movies, we tend to feel a little put-upon.

Excellent point. I don't like those portrayals either. It implies that all spirituality is superstition, an idea that I find repugnant.

Still, that doesn't excuse the actions of the Falwells and Robertsons and Wildmons and LaHayes. These guys argue that Christians are portrayed negatively in movies and TV because of these institutions' heavy Jewish representation. And they imply that those Jews are doing this deliberately to undermine Christianity. That's the fearmongering that I object to.


I've pretty much quit watching O'Reilly due to his stand on school law suits... specifically, that he's never met one he didn't like. He'll let any kid with a beef against their school come on his show, and play up how traumatized they were, or how they were so abused by the school system. It's obvious that as a teacher he had some bad dealings with school administrations. What I hate is every one of these suits drains money away from schools, and his constant support of them just encourages more kids and parents to think they should sue for any little grievance they take to have been against them. Plus lately, his show's been nothing but immigration, immigration, immigration, ad nauseum.

I will give O'Reilly credit for going to ABC and making his comments. He made a bet with them, and he honored it, which is more than Garafalo can say.

As far as St. Mary's County goes, we're overwhelmingly Republican. Why? My guess is because our unemployment rate is actually below the "slob" factor. People who are working and paying taxes tend to vote Republican. As for the rest of the country, I think the old 2000 election map, good old "Red and Blue" says it all. The Democrats took all of the major cities and retirement areas, i.e., places where there are the highest concentrations of people who live on government money. The Republicans took all the areas where people work for a living.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Tonio
Still, that doesn't excuse the actions of the Falwells and Robertsons and Wildmons and LaHayes. These guys argue that Christians are portrayed negatively in movies and TV.

Then they're idiots. But this is the first I've heard of this. When I hear "anti-Christian" I think of nuts like Ted Turner, who called a bunch of his Catholic employees "Jesus freaks" because they had ashes put on their foreheads on Ash Wednesday. I think of the folks I work with who have NO religion and cast all religious types as weak-minded fools who can't cut it in today's world. I think of all the ones who say it's a crutch and an opiate for the masses.

It would never occur to me to blame the Jews. I've seen too many non-religious types.