Osama's tax break! Thank Alla!


Osama kept selling the point that 95% of the peeps would see a tax break. How many of you actually think you will be paying less taxes now that Hussain Osama is in office? I must admit his infomerical was great and it sounded very sincere but I was able to see through it. Did you?


Well-Known Member
I for one hope that the Republicans can come up with a better candidate than Sarah Palin in 2012. If we want the white house back they better.

As for the infomercial.... More like propaganda than actual information worthy of veiwing.


I for one hope that the Republicans can come up with a better candidate than Sarah Palin in 2012. If we want the white house back they better.

As for the infomercial.... More like propaganda than actual information worthy of veiwing.

I asked the question about the tax break thing Osama was preaching to a co-worker. He actually believed he was going to have lower taxes. He also liked the health care concept but couldn't get past the part where the government paid for it. He couldn't answer the question "Where do you think the government will get the money?" He really couldn't answer that. I just told him to hang on for a few months. Then, he could quit, stay at home and let my money take care of his family. He smiled.

Regarding Palin. Well. I must admit I do like her and much of what she is. She is a mother of 5, a wife, a governor. She hunts, fishes and just seems to be an wonderful role model for young people of this country. I will agree that she does not need to run for President in 2012. She may be a little too far right for some to handle and some have already decided they don't like her for one reason or another. THe media has already portrayed her as a bad person. That's all it takes for some followers. Look at the media regarding Osama. THey put him up on a pedistal and praised the he11 out of him. The followers were there to listen.


Well-Known Member
I asked the question about the tax break thing Osama was preaching to a co-worker. He actually believed he was going to have lower taxes. He also liked the health care concept but couldn't get past the part where the government paid for it. He couldn't answer the question "Where do you think the government will get the money?" He really couldn't answer that. I just told him to hang on for a few months. Then, he could quit, stay at home and let my money take care of his family. He smiled.

Regarding Palin. Well. I must admit I do like her and much of what she is. She is a mother of 5, a wife, a governor. She hunts, fishes and just seems to be an wonderful role model for young people of this country. I will agree that she does not need to run for President in 2012. She may be a little too far right for some to handle and some have already decided they don't like her for one reason or another. THe media has already portrayed her as a bad person. That's all it takes for some followers. Look at the media regarding Osama. THey put him up on a pedistal and praised the he11 out of him. The followers were there to listen.

Your co-workers response was very typical of any response you would get from any Obama voter. These are voters who got so caught up in the hype that they forgot to ask the simplest of questions. The simplest of questions of course being, how? How as we all know remains to be seen only by those who never asked the question. The rude awakening these people receive over the next few years will hopefully be enough to limit Barack Obama to a single term..... We can only guarantee this though by producing a strong candidate within the Republican party to challenge him. A candidate with the potential for mass appeal who comes across as being strong, with fresh ideas coupled with real solutions containing substanance.

You'll get no argument from me on the many positive attributes Sarah Palin possesses, but in many ways her exposure as the Vice Presidential Candidate did little to boast her standing with in the party and as a future president in my opinion. We Americans do have short term memories but unfortunately many of the negatives that were brought up about her during this campain will resurface again in four years and become fresh in the minds of all those who oppose her now. Her getting duped by the two Canadian's never should have happened and have rasied very serious doubts regarding her intelligence. An embarassing circumstance to say the least. I see her as a hard sell in the future (not to us, but to mass america ), she would have been better off to not have accepted McCain's offer to be VP and surfacing in 2012 instead as a "fresh" new look for the Republican Party.

Time will tell, but I just don't see Goevernor Palin in the White House as our next President.


Your co-workers response was very typical of any response you would get from any Obama voter. These are voters who got so caught up in the hype that they forgot to ask the simplest of questions. The simplest of questions of course being, how? How as we all know remains to be seen only by those who never asked the question. The rude awakening these people receive over the next few years will hopefully be enough to limit Barack Obama to a single term..... We can only guarantee this though by producing a strong candidate within the Republican party to challenge him. A candidate with the potential for mass appeal who comes across as being strong, with fresh ideas coupled with real solutions containing substanance.

You'll get no argument from me on the many positive attributes Sarah Palin possesses, but in many ways her exposure as the Vice Presidential Candidate did little to boast her standing with in the party and as a future president in my opinion. We Americans do have short term memories but unfortunately many of the negatives that were brought up about her during this campain will resurface again in four years and become fresh in the minds of all those who oppose her now. Her getting duped by the two Canadian's never should have happened and have rasied very serious doubts regarding her intelligence. An embarassing circumstance to say the least. I see her as a hard sell in the future (not to us, but to mass america ), she would have been better off to not have accepted McCain's offer to be VP and surfacing in 2012 instead as a "fresh" new look for the Republican Party.

Time will tell, but I just don't see Goevernor Palin in the White House as our next President.

I like the way you think!


Osama kept selling the point that 95% of the peeps would see a tax break. How many of you actually think you will be paying less taxes now that Hussain Osama is in office? I must admit his infomerical was great and it sounded very sincere but I was able to see through it. Did you?

osama is not the president-elects name but i can tell youre not very bright anyways


24/7 Single Dad
Regarding Palin. ... She is a mother of 5, a wife, a governor. She hunts, fishes and just seems to be an wonderful role model for young people of this country.

She didn't slide into office on her husband's coattails and she's never had an abortion, even when she knew her child was retarded. She didn't proscribe to the theory that the governt should solve all problems.

That's why she was eviscerated in the press.


New Member
She didn't slide into office on her husband's coattails and she's never had an abortion, even when she knew her child was retarded. She didn't proscribe to the theory that the governt should solve all problems.

That's why she was eviscerated in the press.

Very true.
I don't think that it had anything to do with her hunting...


New Member
I thought Trig was her daughter's baby.
She didn't slide into office on her husband's coattails and she's never had an abortion, even when she knew her child was retarded. She didn't proscribe to the theory that the governt should solve all problems.

That's why she was eviscerated in the press.