OTC Medicine for Migranes?


New Member
I still have it. Still taking excedrin AND sudafed. It's not as bad today. By the time I left work yesterday it was blinding.

When I saw you posted.... I thought "she's gonna tell me to drink some gin." :killingme

The best migraine medicine I have ever found is 4 ibuprofin and 2 alleve....It sounds lethal, but it usually knocks em out. Something about the combo of the two. I bet even 2 ibuprofin and 1 alleve would work :shrug:


The best migraine medicine I have ever found is 4 ibuprofin and 2 alleve....It sounds lethal, but it usually knocks em out. Something about the combo of the two. I bet even 2 ibuprofin and 1 alleve would work :shrug:

I can't take ibuprofin because of stomach issues, but thanks for the info.:ohwell:


Hi Roxy,

I take 3 excedrine migraine and it totally knocks mine out. When they get to the point that I am vomiting I take the Imitrex shot. Sometimes I use my Darvocet to knock out the pain instead of the excedrine. Seems to work better when they are a little worse than usual and not to the point of puking. I feel your pain, believe me! With the computer screen, try dimming the screen some in your monitor menu. That helps me a lot when mine are really bad but I have things that must be done. Good Luck to you! :huggy:
Just an FYI and FWIW - a very good woman friend was having terrible migraines for years, tried everything. Imetrix (sp?) worked best, but wasn't great. Turns out she was having issues with her birth control (pills). She stopped them and the migraines stopped. Her hubby got a vasectomy instead.


Just an FYI and FWIW - a very good woman friend was having terrible migraines for years, tried everything. Imetrix (sp?) worked best, but wasn't great. Turns out she was having issues with her birth control (pills). She stopped them and the migraines stopped. Her hubby got a vasectomy instead.

I reached menopause 5 years ago... :howdy: