Ouch and Oops ........ NJ Turnpike Accident



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Lovin' being Texican
RadioPatrol said:

Reaching for the Speedpass, remembered it was in the other car, pulling wallet from pocket while switching lanes. Blame it on Bush.


RadioPatrol said:
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That's crazy.


New Member
What trips me out is the people in the fast past lane (or what ever it's called), they don't stop or slow down or nothing, just keep on going. Got to love NJ drivers.....


SD1492 said:
What trips me out is the people in the fast past lane (or what ever it's called), they don't stop or slow down or nothing, just keep on going. Got to love NJ drivers.....



Well-Known Member
Pushrod said:
Was that suicide by tollbooth?

Just a coincidence that a cop was that close behind, or was that car trying to get away from that cop?

Either way, I didn't see anybody get out afterwards.


bohman said:
Either way, I didn't see anybody get out afterwards.

If you look really close, the drivers door opens on impact and something looks like it flies out........:shrug:


Well-Known Member
rack'm said:
If you look really close, the drivers door opens on impact and something looks like it flies out........:shrug:

hmmm....you're right. But if that was a person, they are almost as screwed as if they stayed in the car.


rack'm said:
If you look really close, the drivers door opens on impact and something looks like it flies out........:shrug:

It actually looks like a person flies out, but either way, the guy could not have survived that.


SD1492 said:
What trips me out is the people in the fast past lane (or what ever it's called), they don't stop or slow down or nothing, just keep on going. Got to love NJ drivers.....

:yeahthat: Some friends and I were in a bad accident on the turnpike about 10 years ago ... we were flying, hit a patch of ice crashed head on into the divider/jersey wall and bounced back like a pinball across all lanes with cars dodging us and into a ditch. No one stopped :frown: Only vehicle that eventually stopped for us was the ambulance. It was a very hard hit. I had bruised my inner chest walls from the seat belt restraints is how hard of an impact it was and everyone just kept on going :shrug:


I bowl overhand
dems4me said:
:yeahthat: Some friends and I were in a bad accident on the turnpike about 10 years ago ... we were flying, hit a patch of ice crashed head on into the divider/jersey wall and bounced back like a pinball across all lanes with cars dodging us and into a ditch. No one stopped :frown: Only vehicle that eventually stopped for us was the ambulance. It was a very hard hit. I had bruised my inner chest walls from the seat belt restraints is how hard of an impact it was and everyone just kept on going :shrug:
Did you suffer a head injury too?


I bowl overhand
Loooks like the driver ends up about 100 feet beyond the toll booth.. and the one car just slowly drives by the body and keeps on going..


itsbob said:
Did you suffer a head injury too?

:smack: I would have had a major one had it not been for the seatbelt - I would have went flying through the windshield at 100mph. My body flew up and seat belt grabbed me but I hurt my knee from dash board crashing back into it. No head injuries. :lol: The only thing I can think of for folks not stopping was the fact the driver was driving like an azz. :shrug:


Methodically disorganized
bohman said:
Just a coincidence that a cop was that close behind, or was that car trying to get away from that cop?
Interesting... I would like to know the story there.

The speed limit in most E-Z Pass lanes is 15 mph, and even in the Express EZP it's 35 or 45 mph. That dude was easily traveling 80 mph, if not more.

I was amazed to see the vehicles drive by without a care as a major fireball was forming.


and the other cars kept on going right on by...
Damn..what a horrific accident!!
Thanks for the news article link :howdy: