And collect $400,000.00 plus the 10% kickback from Ukraine.Yes, so disheartening he is forced to lay on the beach and eat ice cream all day to assuage his feelings.
And collect $400,000.00 plus the 10% kickback from Ukraine.Yes, so disheartening he is forced to lay on the beach and eat ice cream all day to assuage his feelings.
I don't know if she's getting worse or we're just seeing more of her. Her ignorance is glaring.
I don't know about this, hunter may decide he doesn't want to pay the big guy anymore and bury him in a hole on the beach.And collect $400,000.00 plus the 10% kickback from Ukraine.
I don't know about this, hunter may decide he doesn't want to pay the big guy anymore and bury him in a hole on the beach.
I doubt Biden is even aware of what his legacy is, anymore.It must be disheartening for Biden to see his legacy go right down the stinky-overheated outhouse. The toilet is too kind.
I think he SOMEHOW thought that the immigration bill they proposed would have properly vetted any of the criminals who got it, and was thus blaming Republicans.Bubba and he fizzled,
I have OFTEN believed that when people spend SO DAMNED MUCH for paintings, they are ALL laundering money, somehow.Hunter's income dries up the second Joe removes his ass from the seat. Apparently his "paintings" are suddenly worthless and not all the rage with the influence buyers.