I know I have read the answer on here somewhere before but I can't seem to find it, so maybe some of ya'll can help me out
If ex is going to modify childsupport can they take new wife's income into account?
No, child support is based on the incomes of the two parents.
Thank God.No, child support is based on the incomes of the two parents.
Does anyone know exactly how they figure out what the monthly child support should be and what they take into consideration (ie private school, child care, etc)?
Does anyone know exactly how they figure out what the monthly child support should be and what they take into consideration (ie private school, child care, etc)?
In California, child care is in addition to child support. We paid child support + half of day care (when he was still in day care). Also, they did take my income into account. They calculated the total taxes paid (from both of our incomes), his ex-wife's income (she wasn't working, so they used minimum wage), and visitation (# of days) to come up with the child support amount.
It's nearly impossible to figure it out on your own. We saw our attorney about 5 years ago to see what our child support would be if we went back to court and we were looking at over $1000 a month (for one kid). We pay more than 1/2 that right now. Needless to say, we try to keep the peace.
Good luck, I know that can be stressful!
This is kinda where we are at
We pay $1300.00 for 2 kids and all medical, dental and eye insurance there is no daycare due to kids stay with grandma, we also pay for extra odds and ends when asked (school stuff, pictures, soccer,etc) and she wants more ..
I'm trying to figure out what we should actually be paying ?
I hope it works out for you. It will be a happy day when I write the last check .
I know the feeling we have 7 years on one and 12 on the other
Mine will be 18 in Oct, but she lives in NY so no matter what I have to pay till she is 21
wow 21 I thought that was only if in school?
Nope not in New York.
The only thing that can stop it is if the child gets married.
Even have to pay if the child goes into the military (witch is my case)