Our Friends the Saudis



That is just great. The company named is BAE Systems, one of the biggest employers in St. Mary's county besides the federal government!


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24/7 Single Dad
That is just great. The company named is BAE Systems, one of the biggest employers in St. Mary's county besides the federal government!
Prince Bandar, the head of the Saudi national security council, and son of the crown prince, was alleged in court to be the man behind the threats to hold back information about suicide bombers and terrorists. He faces accusations that he himself took more than £1bn in secret payments from the arms company BAE.
Is there a BAE in Europe?
... and Tony Blair isn't the Prime Minister
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New Member
Saudi's are corrupt bastards? :faint:

No friggin way ! :sarcasm:

If anyone can remember the oil embargo of the 70's, (waiting in line at 0300 hours for $5 worth of gas), King Faisal was quoted:
"we are doing this to make the west aware of the virtues of conservation"
This at a time when Saudi millionaire playboys, rich on those same petrodollars, were running all over the world, and to use a recent euphemism, out of control on mom & dad's credit card. They were especially arrogant over here, quick to point out "they had all the money".
Somethings never change.