Pacemaker problems


Hey all of u out there that may be able to help ... My sister who is 49 had a pacemaker put in in june of 2008. She has been in the hospital 4 times for either blood pressure issues, or the pacemaker not working properly. Can some one please give me an idea as to what may be happening if any one is or has experienced the same issues as she is going through??????????


Lem Putt
They don't put pacemakers into healthy people. Pacemakers don't cure anything, they hopefully keep you alive.

If your sister is having BP issues, don't blame the pacemaker. It probably has more to do with the underlying health issues that caused her to need a pacemaker at such a young age.


New Member
My mother has had a pacemaker for almost two years now. She had a few problems at first and even had to have the first one taken out and a new one put in, because she got a staph infection from the hospital when they put it in. The second one is working fine and she hasn't had any problems with it or her blood pressure. As a matter of fact, she no longer has to use any blood pressure medicine because the pacemaker and the blood thinners are regulating everything just fine. First a couple of questions:

Is she on blood thinners, and if so do you know how much? Also, if she is on blood thinners, are the doctor's checking her blood every week?

Is she still on blood pressure medicine?

Is she taking any over the counter medicine?


New Member
Might just be me...

But, asking medical advice from a message board isn't the smartest thing to do.


just insight....

Might just be me...

But, asking medical advice from a message board isn't the smartest thing to do.
I really was not asking for medical advice. Some insight out there about this, that is all. Not seeking any type of professional answer. Maybe just someone on the forum has been through something similar.