Packers & Giants


Is everybody ready for this game? I hope the weather is like last week, cold and lots of snow. Hopefully Brett and the Pack can pull it off. I think if it comes down to the Pack and the Pats, Green Bay should be able to take it all. GO PACKERS!!!!!!!:yahoo::yahoo:


I was half asleep this morning, but I could have sworn they said the temperature for that game would be a minus 10 and windchill would be a minus 30 :shocking: that's one hard football to try to catch... it'd be like a brick :lol:, also yesterday driving in heard on the radio that for the San Diego New England game, San Diego will probably only rush 4 on Brady and dropback 7 and that's not enough to put pressure on Brady. :ohwell: Oh yeah! Go GreenBay and Gooo San Diego.


I was half asleep this morning, but I could have sworn they said the temperature for that game would be a minus 10 and windchill would be a minus 30 :shocking: that's one hard football to try to catch... it'd be like a brick :lol:, also yesterday driving in heard on the radio that for the San Diego New England game, San Diego will probably only rush 4 on Brady and dropback 7 and that's not enough to put pressure on Brady. :ohwell: Oh yeah! Go GreenBay and Gooo San Diego.

And you know there will be some fools in the stands without shirts:lmao: I agree with you that San Diego really needs to rush more on Brady. It looks like in past games if you put pressure on him he starts making mistakes. I just want to see the Pats lose.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Case for the...

...Giants; defense and Eli playing solid.

The Giants are a damn good football team and can do the one thing you gotta be able to do to beat a good pass offense; get to the qb.

On offense, they ain't bad at all. If Eli plays pretty solid, I think they win.


Supper's Ready
About hats...

Howie still has a flat top look with his hat, I bet it doesn't mess up his hair
Jimmy looks like a little old lady
Terry looks russian
Pam still looks good with hers


PREMO Member
I'm rooting for the Giants.
I can't stand Green Bay, because of that Psycho beotch years ago.


Supper's Ready
So here goes, the NFC championship game. Who else is in the smod bleacher seats section?

GO GIANTS! :buddies: