Patriots Punishment for Spying


Lem Putt
awpitt said:
Loss of the draft pick(s) will hurt them more in the long term.
The spying was for a short term benefit. A long term punishment doesn't fit the crime. Why punish them in a way that won't hurt them for a year or two, if at all?

Besides, losing a first round isn't a worse punishment than what most teams do to themselves in the draft, anyway. Anyone remember Heath Shuler?

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Larry Gude said:
...don't enjoy the game for it's own sake do you? You just want to win, no matter what, don't you? You should want your boys to go out there and do it with their play, a display of their hard work, their dedication, their perseverance, the true reward for effort and commitment, not some cheap, easy way out. You should feel ashamed.

God, I hope Philly doesn't show up Monday night. :lmao:


All Up In Your Grill
markskn said:
Not stiff enough. A suspension as well should have been in order, or a possible forfiet.

:yeahthat: I think Belechik should have been suspended for one game. :shrug:


New Member
MMDad said:
The spying was for a short term benefit. A long term punishment doesn't fit the crime. Why punish them in a way that won't hurt them for a year or two, if at all?

Besides, losing a first round isn't a worse punishment than what most teams do to themselves in the draft, anyway. Anyone remember Heath Shuler?
What's the signature about?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Here we go!

MMDad said:
The spying was for a short term benefit. A long term punishment doesn't fit the crime. Why punish them in a way that won't hurt them for a year or two, if at all?

Besides, losing a first round isn't a worse punishment than what most teams do to themselves in the draft, anyway. Anyone remember Heath Shuler?

Every time the Eagles rushed Brady in the Super Bowl, the Patriots nullified the defensive attack with screen passes. Lots of them. On almost every play defensive coordinator Jim Johnson called for a blitz, the Patriots used the short pass to confuse the Eagles.

Imagine. Looks like the Pats didn' get caught the first time they cheated.

Hey Roger Goodall? Wanna get away? :lmao:

No wonder Tags retired.