
Larry Gude

Strung Out
Certainly, it's worse than normal (I hope) in terms of visiting fans at Redskins games but, I'd love to know some sort of stat of how it is stadium by stadium league wide. For a second, I wasn't sure, because I wasn't watching at the moment, if we'd picked Brady off because of the cheer for Gronkowski when he scored.

As I write this, Gaff just scored and it was appreciably louder so, maybe it's not too bad?

Timely; (**Note to Gaffney; If you're gonna start a Fed-Ex leap, see if you can find some folks with our colors on next time)

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Go Navy!!!!!!!!!!


I just noticed; if you look closely, you can actually see Rex, on his bad plays, stop thinking and freeze up. Guys like Brady and Roethlisburger, and even Eli, are still trying to find something even when they are being sacked. You can see Rex reach a point where he goes "Yike!" and I wouldn't be surprised if he signals for a fair catch or calls a time out in the middle of being sacked.
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
That should have been "Unnecessary roughness, Hitting the husband of a super model and Golden boy of the game of football too hard."


It would have made my day had they thrown a flag on the following play when he scrambled, went down and no one touched him and they hit us up for 15 yards for even thinking about it.



Well-Known Member
Am actually impressed the score is this close, thought it would be a NE blow away over the Skins


Football addict
Flag on Fletcher; worst call in the history of the universe.
Surely you can't be serious. That's Tom Brady. That's worth 2 points right there. No discussion.

Good effort from our boys but we were well under-manned. I like that we flustered Brady a bit though and showed a bit of offense.