Patuxent Park


Well-Known Member
I've heard that parts of the neighborhood were decent. However why would you want to live in a neighborhood where the next street over is crap?


Arista said:
Can't speak for the neighborhood as I've never lived there, but I have family that lives there... one on Saratoga, actually. I've not heard him mention that he's had any problems. :shrug:

Chalk up another for good ol Saratoga :) IMO its the best street in the whole place ;)


The Smart Hooker
I had to do take a double look at the house. It looks AMAZING! I can't believe that house is one of the two story houses in Patuxent Park. It just goes to show you that those houses have alot of potential! :yay:


Well-Known Member
meme said:
Even some of the nicest neighborhoods have crappy streets here.
Tell me about it. My street is beautiful. Yet, I still have a ghetto neighbor. I do love our lawn ordinance. Neighbor has been busted twice. :whistle:


The Smart Hooker
sockgirl77 said:
Tell me about it. My street is beautiful. Yet, I still have a ghetto neighbor. I do love our lawn ordinance. Neighbor has been busted twice. :whistle:

Have you seen my neighbors house? Oh wait you can't because you can't see through the freakin jungle she's got growing "on the house." Least she keeps the lawn cut though! :yay:


Holy crap I just looked at that pic again! I know whos house that is! I helped install the awesome ceiling in there. Yes that house is very nice. He liked doing it so much hes building another right next to it basically. Id hate to admit it but that POS house next to it was my old house. That fat idiot that lives there now TOTALY RUINED IT. Ask The owner of the house thats for sale. Lenny should know that besides his nice house ours next to him WAS one of the best looking.


New Member
I don't post here very often but when the better than me start bashing our place I take exception. My wife and I live in Patuxant Park. We bought here about 3 years ago. We put alot of work into the house since we've lived here. We completely enjoy it. Are there some bad looking places? Of course there are. Anywhere you look in SM you'll have a 400-500K house next to a run down trailer. Does that make the area a ghetto? What about the Ranch Club? Name any where and you'll have the same problems. What I think amplifies the situation is the homes are so close together and the total amount of houses in here. Where now you can build a house on what, 3 acres? Here in the park you have about 6 houses to the acre.

This area has potential that hasn't been tapped yet. I work on the base. My drive is maybe 6 minutes tops. With gas going to $4.00 a gallon, I'm happy with what I have.

The county is coming in this fall and replacing the streets, sidewalks, curb and gutter, water and sewer line and a up to date lighting plan.

It all depends what you want. A McMansion or a place to call home.