Pax River Raiders & St. Mary's Pigskins


New Member
This is a reminder that our show will air tonight from 8pm - 9:30pm.

Please remember to call-in if you would like. 646-716-4358

We will be making a huge annoucement this evening about what has taken place between Southern County Youth Football & Cheerleading & St. Mary's Pigskins Football.

Our scheduled guest for this week will be on our show next week.

We will be giving an update on our NFL Flag Football League.

Our show will air from 8pm - 9:30pm.

If you would like to ask questions after we make our annoucement we will be more then glad to take your call.

Please listen to our show at Pax River Raiders on Blog Talk Radio


New Member
Please post any discussion about the current situation with Pigskins and the Raiders in here instead of the SMYFL thread.


New Member
Pax River Raiders Sold

I was just forwarded an email that the Pax River Raiders were sold and Chris was no longer the owner and president.

I tried to call to get details but no one seems to want to answer!!!!

Can youthfootball confirm what is going on?????


What I'm hearing through the grapevine....there will now be no Pigskin this year it is just Pax River Raiders. Chris walked from Pigskin due to harrassment from Trudi and Don.

Meeting tonight to iron out.


New Member
What I'm hearing through the grapevine....there will now be no Pigskin this year it is just Pax River Raiders. Chris walked from Pigskin due to harrassment from Trudi and Don.

Meeting tonight to iron out.
Chris announced on his radio show Monday night that there will be no Pigskin season this year because of delays resulting from problems with the Kemps. It is too late to do it. All Pigskin kids are folded into the Raiders to play in the Calvert league.


New Member
What I'm hearing through the grapevine....there will now be no Pigskin this year it is just Pax River Raiders. Chris walked from Pigskin due to harrassment from Trudi and Don.

Meeting tonight to iron out.

I heard the radio show where he was telling everyone that Pigskin wont have a season. The email said that in addition to that the Raiders were being sold.


Lots of info in that radio show. According to Chris he said the Kemps breached the contract because, (going from memory):

He had not received the 501C (non-profit) certification from the Kemps and he can't find any record of it on the MD tax site. He doesn't think Pigskins ever filed as a non-profit.

He was never added to the Pigskin checking account and checks were cut without his authorization. One was for $2,700 to the Kemps for "storage" and another was $1,800 to settle a 2008 Pigskins debt.

In addition to the $80K debt for uniforms there was a debt on a BJ's card for concessions and another debt for trophies. Also, there were 120 kids registered for football and around 100 registered for cheerleading but there was only $4K in the checking account so money was missing.

He basically said the more he dug into the Pigskin organization the more stuff he uncovered which voided their agreement. He asked for the $5K back that he had paid the Kemps and they wouldn't give it back. Additionally, he went to the storage shed to pick up the uniforms to get ready for gear issue and Trudy and Don Jr. met him there with someone from the Sheriff's department. Apparently the shed has one lock from Chris and one from the Kemps on it and neither party is allowed to enter the shed until they get the issue resolved in court.

This was all Chris's version of the events but Pat Murphy of SMYFL called in and basically told Chris he "felt his pain" at trying to deal with the Kemps.

Bottom line, it looks like there will be no Pigskins football this season and the 120 kids that had signed up for Pigskins will roll into the Raiders if they want. Not sure if the Raiders have enough equipment to cover the additional kids without the gear from Pigskins. I can't imagine any court action will be resolved in three weeks.

There was some mention at the end of the show that they were looking to make some changes for next season. Ideally the SMYFL would be a Northern league and Raiders would be a southern league and they would play each other.

Either way it's a shame that the County can't step in and unscrew this.


Lots of info in that radio show. According to Chris he said the Kemps breached the contract because, (going from memory):

He had not received the 501C (non-profit) certification from the Kemps and he can't find any record of it on the MD tax site. He doesn't think Pigskins ever filed as a non-profit.

He was never added to the Pigskin checking account and checks were cut without his authorization. One was for $2,700 to the Kemps for "storage" and another was $1,800 to settle a 2008 Pigskins debt.

In addition to the $80K debt for uniforms there was a debt on a BJ's card for concessions and another debt for trophies. Also, there were 120 kids registered for football and around 100 registered for cheerleading but there was only $4K in the checking account so money was missing.

He basically said the more he dug into the Pigskin organization the more stuff he uncovered which voided their agreement. He asked for the $5K back that he had paid the Kemps and they wouldn't give it back. Additionally, he went to the storage shed to pick up the uniforms to get ready for gear issue and Trudy and Don Jr. met him there with someone from the Sheriff's department. Apparently the shed has one lock from Chris and one from the Kemps on it and neither party is allowed to enter the shed until they get the issue resolved in court.

This was all Chris's version of the events but Pat Murphy of SMYFL called in and basically told Chris he "felt his pain" at trying to deal with the Kemps.

Bottom line, it looks like there will be no Pigskins football this season and the 120 kids that had signed up for Pigskins will roll into the Raiders if they want. Not sure if the Raiders have enough equipment to cover the additional kids without the gear from Pigskins. I can't imagine any court action will be resolved in three weeks.

There was some mention at the end of the show that they were looking to make some changes for next season. Ideally the SMYFL would be a Northern league and Raiders would be a southern league and they would play each other.

Either way it's a shame that the County can't step in and unscrew this.

Good Lord! I'm so glad my son is now in high school ball.


Active Member
Lots of info in that radio show. According to Chris he said the Kemps breached the contract because, (going from memory):

He had not received the 501C (non-profit) certification from the Kemps and he can't find any record of it on the MD tax site. He doesn't think Pigskins ever filed as a non-profit.

He was never added to the Pigskin checking account and checks were cut without his authorization. One was for $2,700 to the Kemps for "storage" and another was $1,800 to settle a 2008 Pigskins debt.

In addition to the $80K debt for uniforms there was a debt on a BJ's card for concessions and another debt for trophies. Also, there were 120 kids registered for football and around 100 registered for cheerleading but there was only $4K in the checking account so money was missing.

He basically said the more he dug into the Pigskin organization the more stuff he uncovered which voided their agreement. He asked for the $5K back that he had paid the Kemps and they wouldn't give it back. Additionally, he went to the storage shed to pick up the uniforms to get ready for gear issue and Trudy and Don Jr. met him there with someone from the Sheriff's department. Apparently the shed has one lock from Chris and one from the Kemps on it and neither party is allowed to enter the shed until they get the issue resolved in court.

This was all Chris's version of the events but Pat Murphy of SMYFL called in and basically told Chris he "felt his pain" at trying to deal with the Kemps.

Bottom line, it looks like there will be no Pigskins football this season and the 120 kids that had signed up for Pigskins will roll into the Raiders if they want. Not sure if the Raiders have enough equipment to cover the additional kids without the gear from Pigskins. I can't imagine any court action will be resolved in three weeks.

There was some mention at the end of the show that they were looking to make some changes for next season. Ideally the SMYFL would be a Northern league and Raiders would be a southern league and they would play each other.

Either way it's a shame that the County can't step in and unscrew this.

You know that old saying what goes around comes around? :lol: Can't wait to see what happens. :popcorn:


New Member
Whatever happens, I don't see how it can possibly work out best for the kids. I hope it does. I heard Mr. Kemp is seeking an injunction against the Raiders. If its successful, Pigskins won't be the only one with no season in 2009.


New Member
This just sucks! The kids are going to suffer the most if they can't play. I hope everything gets figured out. My son and our family are looking forward to him playing this year!


Whatever happens, I don't see how it can possibly work out best for the kids. I hope it does. I heard Mr. Kemp is seeking an injunction against the Raiders. If its successful, Pigskins won't be the only one with no season in 2009.

This might be the best thing that could happen in the long run. If a bunch of kids are denied the chance to play because of a pissing match between a couple of leagues then there will be enough public outcry that the County will have to step in and try to mediate. Also, if this really blows up the local media will start asking questions and hopefully we'll get an unbiased take on what is really going on. Right now the parents are left trying to piece together what is going on through the Raiders radio show and Don Jr on this message board.


New Member
This might be the best thing that could happen in the long run. If a bunch of kids are denied the chance to play because of a pissing match between a couple of leagues then there will be enough public outcry that the County will have to step in and try to mediate. Also, if this really blows up the local media will start asking questions and hopefully we'll get an unbiased take on what is really going on. Right now the parents are left trying to piece together what is going on through the Raiders radio show and Don Jr on this message board.
FOrgive me if I'm reading into things too much (as I've been accused of before), but the public perception (what I'm hearing from parents in the community) is that the County already stepped in with the Townhall Meeting and letting Kyle Kebaugh take a position on the Pigskins Board of Directors.


New Member
There is going to be Youth Football in St. Mary's County, you have the Raiders and you have SMYFL. Both that will supply a wonderful product for the kids.

As far as what is going on with Don and myself that will be taken care of. That has nothing to do with anyone but Don and I. It is a misunderstanding that will be cleared up.

Everyone relax and have a wonderful football season with your child.


There is going to be Youth Football in St. Mary's County, you have the Raiders and you have SMYFL. Both that will supply a wonderful product for the kids.

As far as what is going on with Don and myself that will be taken care of. That has nothing to do with anyone but Don and I. It is a misunderstanding that will be cleared up.

Everyone relax and have a wonderful football season with your child.

Hopefully this is what happens but of course the two leagues won't play each other which is absurd.

My kid played soccer and baseball this past spring. He was in the St Mary's National Little League and we played interleague games against the St Mary's American Little League and had an All-Star tournament with them at the end of the season. He played in St Mary's Youth Soccer and played games against Calvert and St Mary's Northern Soccer teams and had a tournament with them at the end of the season.

Every sports league in this county has figured out a way to work together except football. It appears most of the problems have been due to the Kemps wanting to keep thier monopoly. The Raiders finally broke away four years ago and provided one alternative. Now SMYFL is doing the same. Hopefully they can work together in the future so the kids of this county can play football without all this associated BS.


New Member
There is going to be Youth Football in St. Mary's County, you have the Raiders and you have SMYFL. Both that will supply a wonderful product for the kids.

As far as what is going on with Don and myself that will be taken care of. That has nothing to do with anyone but Don and I. It is a misunderstanding that will be cleared up.

Everyone relax and have a wonderful football season with your child.
That's good to hear. I hope it works out for you guys.


New Member
Hopefully this is what happens but of course the two leagues won't play each other which is absurd.

My kid played soccer and baseball this past spring. He was in the St Mary's National Little League and we played interleague games against the St Mary's American Little League and had an All-Star tournament with them at the end of the season. He played in St Mary's Youth Soccer and played games against Calvert and St Mary's Northern Soccer teams and had a tournament with them at the end of the season.

Every sports league in this county has figured out a way to work together except football. It appears most of the problems have been due to the Kemps wanting to keep thier monopoly. The Raiders finally broke away four years ago and provided one alternative. Now SMYFL is doing the same. Hopefully they can work together in the future so the kids of this county can play football without all this associated BS.
Well, it is kind of different situation. The Raiders play on the Calvert League schedule and SMYFL plays in St. Mary's. The only thing that could be done is some exhibitions like what SMYFL is doing with Dunkirk and La Plata.


Well, it is kind of different situation. The Raiders play on the Calvert League schedule and SMYFL plays in St. Mary's. The only thing that could be done is some exhibitions like what SMYFL is doing with Dunkirk and La Plata.

My understanding is that the Raiders play in the Calvert League because when they started four years ago they didn't have enough teams in each weight class to do a full schedule within their own league and they didn't want to play against Pigskin because they didn't like them, (which is why they broke away).

Not sure how many kids have signed up in SMYFL but my guess is they will have 3-4 teams in each weight class. That means they will be playing the same 2-3 teams all season. It's crazy that one league in St Mary's County has to drive to Calvert to play while the other league has to play the same 2-3 teams all season. There should be a northern league and a southern league that play each other. If they want to play other interleague games against Calvert/Charles teams that's fine but it's absurd that the kids in St Mary's County don't play against each other because of a pissing match between leagues.


New Member
My understanding is that the Raiders play in the Calvert League because when they started four years ago they didn't have enough teams in each weight class to do a full schedule within their own league and they didn't want to play against Pigskin because they didn't like them, (which is why they broke away).

Not sure how many kids have signed up in SMYFL but my guess is they will have 3-4 teams in each weight class. That means they will be playing the same 2-3 teams all season. It's crazy that one league in St Mary's County has to drive to Calvert to play while the other league has to play the same 2-3 teams all season. There should be a northern league and a southern league that play each other. If they want to play other interleague games against Calvert/Charles teams that's fine but it's absurd that the kids in St Mary's County don't play against each other because of a pissing match between leagues.
Only the President's of the leagues can decide that I guess. It would result in a pretty robust football environment.