Pax River Raiders & St. Mary's Pigskins


New Member

My understanding is that the Raiders play in the Calvert League because when they started four years ago they didn't have enough teams in each weight class to do a full schedule within their own league and they didn't want to play against Pigskin because they didn't like them, (which is why they broke away).

Not sure how many kids have signed up in SMYFL but my guess is they will have 3-4 teams in each weight class. That means they will be playing the same 2-3 teams all season. It's crazy that one league in St Mary's County has to drive to Calvert to play while the other league has to play the same 2-3 teams all season. There should be a northern league and a southern league that play each other. If they want to play other interleague games against Calvert/Charles teams that's fine but it's absurd that the kids in St Mary's County don't play against each other because of a pissing match between leagues.

It was my understanding that the Raiders were started to play in the Calvert Cty League, it wasn't intended to stay exclusively in St. Mary's like Pigskin had been. In defense of the Raiders and the Calvert Cty Leagues... its not bad playing the Calvert teams... its actually really nice being part of that league, the have some very nice clubs over there and its not bad travelling over there (no worse then to Lettie Dent)... its not every week or all the games, usually we have about half the games here at our home field... the Calvert leagues have been very welcoming and supportive of the Raiders.

When the Raiders were started the only option in St Mary's was Pigskin... I don't think everyone should expect the Raiders to up and change everything they've done because another league sprung up all of a sudden. It probably would be nice if we had separate clubs like they have in Calvert... but are there enough kids to support something like that and if there was does St. Mary's County have the fields available for it? In Calvert they have Dunkirk, Huntingtown, Prince Frederick, Ches. Beach, Solomons, & Owings... they all have the fields available to field several teams usually in each weight class...

Things will work themselves out over time... it won't happen overnight, people stressing and complaining about it won't help... just enjoy watching your kids play and relax a little... with everything that is going on this season its become one huge mess... the Raiders have been run well from the start... and they shouldn't have to change what they do now to fit into another league... you never know SMYFL could have plenty of teams to play like it was in the old days of Pigskin... you can't expect it to happen overnight... but it will all work out... stay positive...


New Member

How can one get their Pigskin fall tackle season registration money refunded to them? The email address on the website is not working (for me anyway). All other contact info has been stripped.


Do you seriously think that this county can run or mediate football here. I have lived her all my life and the group that runs Parks and Recs is and always will be a joke. The good ole boy system in working order. Thats why the fields look the way they do cause they are county maintained. As long as they get there paycheck they could care less. Those guys couldn't run a striaght line for ten feet without stopping and asking for directions. An dont say aw they are good guys you are being to harsh. No I am not thats the problem, nobody has been harsh enough and they need to start with clearing out the trash at P&R first and hire some people that will make a difference. Get rid of the commissoners and get people who care for all sports in this county and the kids that play them not just softball and chancellors park. I am for that an making the places we play at nice for our kids lets start there.


New Member
From the "what it's worth" section....

The reason South County imploded was simply do to bad decisions. This was largely overlooked as the only alternative was Pigskins. Since then, SMYLF, a division of Universal Sports and Academics, has develop a very good program. In conducting some research, Universal Sports is over 900 kids in competitive gymnastics, cheer leading, wrestling, and karate. They have been around for 2 years (and I understand there is a story where the owner of Pigskins tried to shut them down as well for some reason) and their kids compete across the nation; and have had some scholarships offered to their kids. They have a BOD that include athletic personalities, Olympic Goal medalists in gymnastics, athletic recruiters, football coaches, doctors, etc.

They (Universal Sports & SMYFL) have developed an impressive plan to execute for bringing respectable football back to the county - and that must have scared South County into making even worse decisions, or there was simply an over-inflated impression of their abilities and the community impression of them. Be that as it may, there is only about 22 days until practice starts and if there is a legal battle between South County and Pigskins, it is highly unlikely they will have it resolved before the season starts. They could, but if it is in the hands of the legal system, they probably won't.

Also, I hear that the "South County Raiders" organization was sold to some other coaches. I am not a lawyer, but don't think the selling will fix any of the legal problems - especially since this started prior to the sale. Contracts and agreements still have to be honored - unless, of course, there is a bankruptcy claim!

Callie girl

New Member
My understanding is that the Raiders play in the Calvert League because when they started four years ago they didn't have enough teams in each weight class to do a full schedule within their own league and they didn't want to play against Pigskin because they didn't like them, (which is why they broke away).

Not sure how many kids have signed up in SMYFL but my guess is they will have 3-4 teams in each weight class. That means they will be playing the same 2-3 teams all season. It's crazy that one league in St Mary's County has to drive to Calvert to play while the other league has to play the same 2-3 teams all season. There should be a northern league and a southern league that play each other. If they want to play other interleague games against Calvert/Charles teams that's fine but it's absurd that the kids in St Mary's County don't play against each other because of a pissing match between leagues.

I totally agree with you. My son plays flag and wants to move to tackle.


New Member
Any update

Anyone have an update on the situation between Pigskins and the Raiders? A co-worker who's son is registered with the Raiders said they may not have a season as well and was asking if SMYFL was still taking registrations.


Man I don't know who to sign my son up with :lol: This is ridiculous.

Look to the league that sticks to business and flings the least mud, rumor and speculation. South County Raiders has been the only league in this whole mess that has shown any decorum and class.

Callie girl

New Member
Look to the league that sticks to business and flings the least mud, rumor and speculation. South County Raiders has been the only league in this whole mess that has shown any decorum and class.

That is who he has played for the last 2 seasons (flag). He wanted to move to tackle but looks like they are full when I just went on their website.


New Member
Look to the league that sticks to business and flings the least mud, rumor and speculation. South County Raiders has been the only league in this whole mess that has shown any decorum and class.

What a load of BS.


New Member

Mr. Pixton,

When are you going to stop hiding and make yourself available and answer they questions about what exactly is going on between Pigskin and South County. I have heard through the grapevine that you made an attempt to get out of the tackle football business as long as you could continue your flag football league because of the $$$ you make. Is it true you are out in three years and moving to Florida?