Pay or not pay........


New Member
How about report cards??

I had a problem with ALL my kids and their grades. No amount of yelling threatening etc.. did the trick.. All but ONE of my kids always had issues.

Finally I decided to try money.. and it worked!! Now they not only have good grades (not a SINGLE failing grade since implementation) but actually pay attention to how they are doing during the semester and plan ahead to how much they are going to make, and figure out what they need to do before grades come out to score even more money.

And it's not a lot of money, just enough for them to buy something for themselves without getting harassed by mom and dad. For example: We do NOT like buying video games for our middle boy, but if he earns if on the report card money, he can buy any video game he wants (within reason) without any 'NO!' from us.

Costs are minimal to me.. but mean a LOT to them

A = $10
B= $5
D= -$5 (they now owe Dad)
E/F = -$10

they have NEVER had to pay me..

I think money in exchange for good grades is always a good idea. I think we all go to work, and work hard to make a paycheck right? Working hard in school deserves a reward too.


I bowl overhand
My youngest daughter even suggested this semester to give her older brother EXTRA because he made the honor roll and she didn't.. but the $ owed were almost the same.. only a $5 difference.

She suggested I give him an extra $10 for making the honor roll.


New Member
How about report cards??

I had a problem with ALL my kids and their grades. No amount of yelling threatening etc.. did the trick.. All but ONE of my kids always had issues.

Finally I decided to try money.. and it worked!! Now they not only have good grades (not a SINGLE failing grade since implementation) but actually pay attention to how they are doing during the semester and plan ahead to how much they are going to make, and figure out what they need to do before grades come out to score even more money.

And it's not a lot of money, just enough for them to buy something for themselves without getting harassed by mom and dad. For example: We do NOT like buying video games for our middle boy, but if he earns if on the report card money, he can buy any video game he wants (within reason) without any 'NO!' from us.

Costs are minimal to me.. but mean a LOT to them

A = $10
B= $5
D= -$5 (they now owe Dad)
E/F = -$10

they have NEVER had to pay me..

Recently my daughter asked about money for her report card. We've told her no, she should want good grades no matter what. However, I would be willing to try this. For now her grades are ok and I want her to want the grade, not the money. So far this seems to work but if needed I would start paying her.


New Member
Thanks for all the input. Obviously I don't have to worry about her being a spoiled brat over one incident. It was just a thought I wanted to get opinions on.


Lem Putt
:faint: I almost let my kid out of her bubble to go to a birthday party without me this weekend. I was even going to give her spending money. It's a good thing we kept her locked away instead.


Has confinement issues..
Does this mean you hand everything to them?

Not at all. Since I'm a broke biatch, I only do what I can, when I can as far as clothes and room decor and toys. Mostly on holidays and with the help of my parents. My daughter wants a DS game for her birthday and the deal was made that she will get allowance to pay for half provided she does her chores, maintains her ab honor roll and doesn't give me any lip. Giving me a hard time gets you NOTHING.

But if they're not expecting it and it's given, how long before they're conditioned too expect payment for being nice? Don't pay them as you have in the past, then you're not fair, you've changed the rules.

Now at this point have you raised a deserving brat or a sincere kid? :eyebrow:

I don't give my kids money when they complete a task. I'd never bribe them to take out trash or rake leaves. They will do it because I say so. I may give money to them if I happen to have it and we are in a place where they can spend it on something I approve of. Or, on the rare occasion they go somewhere with out me and may want a souvenir or some kind of snack. I'm a pretty strict parent, in everyone else's opinion:shrug:

Mystical Mom and Morningbell see my kids all the time so if they are spoiled then I guess those two would know if I had spoiled them better than I would.:lol:


Boss Lady
Our kids have chores that are required of them, because they are members of the household. They dont get paid for doing these.
If they do something "just because" or offer to help around the house or yard they get money. I always have a list of "extras". This is how they learn the value of a dollar and that they have to work for their extra money. Nothing is handed to them.


New Member
I never got paid to do anything. I never got allowance. If all four of us kids got good grades (note: ALL FOUR, not just 3 or 2) then we got one collective present. And it wasn't might have been a video game or a movie.

We lived on a rather large plot of land, and once a week we would take turns mowing the lawn, picking up grass, weeding the gardens (once every 2 weeks), cleaning the house (dust/vacuum), helping plant and harvest the vegetables from the garden, cleaning the pool, etc.

It took me 2 years to save up the $70 for my Game Boy, and every penny of that money was from relative's $5 from birthday cards and christmas cards.

When I needed money for anything, (school supplies, renting a movie, going to the movie with friends, etc.), I got it from my parents....but outside those events, every once and awhile they would go to the store and come back with something for me. (I was big into Magic the Gathering playing cards), so they would bring me a deck of those maybe once a month.

We weren't poor by any means....but we also never expected anything from anybody. We worked our asses off every Sunday after church because, well, honestly, we enjoyed it. We enjoyed being outside working together to make our house look nice. I enjoyed learning how to tend to a garden, how to build a deck, how to repair walls. Driving a lawn Mower?!?! Hot damn, its like a car! And when my parents would come home with a present for me, they would thank me for helping them with everything around the house and not causing any trouble.


Ahhhh Florida!
Because it is not something she does everyday. I would'nt pay her for making her bed and helping with the dishes. Those are what I call chores. Those are things that need to be done everyday. But when she wanted to help her dad without being asked, a monetary reward is good. Five dollars is not that big of a deal in exchange for a child being generous.

If I were to offer to help somebody do some yard work and at the end of the day they handed me a couple bucks, I would'nt be suprised. And I would'nt expect the next time I did somebody a favor for them to pay me either. I guess what I am trying to say is a reward for generosity is a good thing, but be sure to let her know that she will not always get paid for being generous.

I completely agree.:yay: