BSoDs are usually caused by overheating and/or operator error. I've never had one (well, not since my first PC that I screwed up hehe)
I also don't have any problems with viruses etc.
Plus I saved a lot of money =)
whatever floats your boat though hehe
you have no idea about what you speak ..... Nvidia has had major issues with past video driver updates causing BSoD Issues ..... Creative / Sound Blaster had problems with the add on software for their sound cards and several antivirus makers - I know I undated my Computer Assoc. eTrust anti virus software last year ( regular patch / updates ) and when the patch finished my system had a stop error in one of the sound card drivers .... after a couple weeks of searching i finally found where other SB users had had the same issue with various AV programs .....
So while not a Microsoft Problem, it was def an issue with running Windows
the Aug 05 Nvidia Video drive updates were well know for causing 1000's of people who update regularly BSoD's
so while you personally have had no issues - the wisdoze world is far from perfect dude .......