Penalty for using the N-word


Well-Known Member
yeah man like we be givin it 101%, one day attatime, focusing on each play replyin on each other and chit...

Come to think of it two things are inconsistent.......

We all know the "N" word is bad unless one uses it in the proper context only to those (whos its purpose is to reportedly enrage) or to each other and , Wigger is perfectly acceptable..

Now how many ball players are Mensa Society members?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I would not have thought this was a big enough problem to warrant its own special penalty. How would you prove it? Is the burden of proof on the accuser or on the accused?


I would not have thought this was a big enough problem to warrant its own special penalty. How would you prove it? Is the burden of proof on the accuser or on the accused?

I want to know if the refs are going to announce the penalty " Bob called Jim a N-----" 15 yards, automatic first down"


my war
I would not have thought this was a big enough problem to warrant its own special penalty. How would you prove it? Is the burden of proof on the accuser or on the accused?

They already call penalties for taunting. I am sure it will be lumped in with that call. A call on taunting is a matter of discretion from the ref.


Well-Known Member
Since white ballers are quick learners and realize there's a double standard about saying the N-word and therefore don't do it, this means this penalty will only be called on black ballers. Someone will complain saying the penalty unfairly targets blacks.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Loss of Down for saying $hit & Loss of down + 15 yard penalty for saying f### ! Da#n is 5 yarder :killingme

Plus a $50,000 fine; two offenses in one game automatic ejection, with the position un-replaced for three plays. If the word is that offensive, then the penalty should be as stiff against the team whose player spits it out.

Such a civil game, football, and the PC rules committee.:killingme

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I want to know if the refs are going to announce the penalty " Bob called Jim a N-----" 15 yards, automatic first down"

There lays Jim in a heap, his spleen ruptured, spitting up blood, can't get up, writhing in pain and...a flag on the play!!!

"Bob called Jim a N-----" 15 yards, automatic first down"




Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
There lays Jim in a heap, his spleen ruptured, spitting up blood, can't get up, writhing in pain and...a flag on the play!!!

"Bob called Jim a N-----" 15 yards, automatic first down"



And Jim's a white dude, which is the minority in the league......:yahoo:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And Jim's a white dude, which is the minority in the league......:yahoo:

This is to say nothing of the 'fans' that go to games specifically to cuss at refs and scream some of the vilest things you can imagine until their drunk ass passes out.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
This is to say nothing of the 'fans' that go to games specifically to cuss at refs and scream some of the vilest things you can imagine until their drunk ass passes out.

Or kicked out - either way makes me happy from my seats. I keep on saying after 38 years of season ticket holding I have seen and heard it all, but nope, every year you can bet on something new from the bozos......almost always visiting "fans", but my Bucs have their share of idiots as well.


my war
I love hockey. The refs and players go at it the whole game jawing at each other. No pussy penalty calls involved and if 2 players want to talk chit, they stop the gloves and settle it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I love hockey. The refs and players go at it the whole game jawing at each other. No pussy penalty calls involved and if 2 players want to talk chit, they stop the gloves and settle it.

Ok, but, can't we safely say there is at least one word not thrown around a whole lot at hockey games?

I would not have thought this was a big enough problem to warrant its own special penalty. How would you prove it? Is the burden of proof on the accuser or on the accused?

Many of the players are wired. The rest all have cameras with directional mikes trained on them. Pretty easy to hear what they say now.


my war
Ok, but, can't we safely say there is at least one word not thrown around a whole lot at hockey games?



I think it was Craig Berube when he played for the Caps called one of the very few blacks on ice, a monkey. He was suspended for that.

Hmmmmm.... "Blacks on Ice". Might be a great new reality show.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Or kicked out - either way makes me happy from my seats. I keep on saying after 38 years of season ticket holding I have seen and heard it all, but nope, every year you can bet on something new from the bozos......almost always visiting "fans", but my Bucs have their share of idiots as well.

Greatest NFL game I have ever personally been at, best seats, too, Dallas here, '05, no one in that stadium sat down the entire game, save a few Dallas fans after the first quarter who just couldn't take it anymore, a joyous, happy atmosphere, and end of the game, the last 10 minutes or so and this one jack hole is SCREAMING at ANY ref that gets near us, over ANYTHING, cussing him like a rented mule with a red headed step child aboard, and, finally, the ref is waving at him saying "OK, OK, OK, I got it..." I mean, who does that?????? Skins fan, game long over, we win, big, and this ####tard isn't happy????

If nothing else, my daughter got a lesson in how logic and reason does NOT work with the human race. She thought the guy was hilarious just because he was soooo over the top in filth and bile. I was freaking embarrassed and thinking no wonder the Muslims think we're worthless.