Pensions continue to grow for military brass


Ubi bene ibi patria
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"WASHINGTON - Top military brass will keep their specially boosted pensions despite the December budget deal that trimmed pension rates for other military retirees, Pentagon officials said Tuesday.

In 2007, Congress passed a Pentagon-sponsored proposal that boosted retirement benefits for three- and four-star admirals and generals, allowing them to make more in retirement than they did on active duty. The Pentagon had requested the change in 2003 to help retain senior officers as the military was fighting wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and wanted to entice officers to remain on active duty.

That means a four-star officer retiring with 40 years of experience would receive a pension of $237,144, according to the Pentagon. Base pay for active-duty top officers is $181,501, according to Navy Lt. Cmdr. Nate Christensen, a Pentagon spokesman. Housing and other allowances can boost their compensation an additional third.

Last month's budget deal reduces cost-of-living adjustments, COLAs, by 1 percentage point a year until retirees reach age 62. At 62, the full COLA will return and pensions will bounce back to their full value. The plan is estimated to save $6 billion.

Currently, after 20 years of service, regardless of age, a military retiree qualifies for a pension amounting to 50% of final pay with an additional 2.5 percentage points for each year of service beyond 20.

But the deal does not affect the 2007 enhancement for top pension, which has allowed pension rates for those officers to spike.

Figures for 2011 show that a four-star officer retiring with 38 years' experience received a yearly pension of about $219,600, a jump of $84,000, or 63% beyond what was previously allowed.

A three-star officer with 35 years' experience would get about $169,200 a year, up about $39,000, or 30%.

Before the law was changed, the typical pension for a retired four-star officer was $134,400. "


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
:yay: not surprising for an administration that promotes class envy

Ah, yes - the old mantra of "the rich just get richer", so let's just redistribute more of the wealth from the workers to the retirees.

Not much different than many states and local governments that, because of unions, way often pay many of their local retired firefighters, cops, teachers, govt administrators more in retirement salary than they made while actually purporting to work. Toss in all the extras like health benefits and such, a lot of them get close to double what their actual pay level was.

Fits the big o's agenda quite well. He'll have more golfing partners to play with.
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