Pentagon creates medal for cyber, drone wars


Ubi bene ibi patria
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"WASHINGTON — They fight the war from computer consoles and video screens.

But the troops that launch the drone strikes and direct the cyberattacks that can kill or disable an enemy may never set foot in the combat zone. Now, defense officials say, their battlefield contributions may be recognized.

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is expected to announce Wednesday that for the first time the Pentagon is creating a medal that can be awarded to troops who have a direct impact on combat operations, but do it from afar.

The Associated Press has learned that the new blue, red and white-ribboned Distinguished Warfare Medal will be awarded to individuals for "extraordinary achievement" related to a military operation that occurred after Sept. 11, 2001. But unlike other combat medals, it does not require the recipient risk his or her life to get it.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the announcement had not yet been made.

A recognition of the evolving 21st Century warfare, the medal will be considered a bit higher in ranking than the Bronze Star, but is lower than the Silver Star, defense officials said.

The Bronze Star is the fourth highest combat decoration and rewards meritorious service in battle, while the Silver Star is the third highest combat award given for bravery. Several other awards, including the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, are also ranked higher, but are not awarded for combat."

LOL! Ranks above a Bronze Star!


24/7 Single Dad
You do realize there are special operations teams that operate uavs forward deployed in direct combat actions don't you?

Reconnaissance drones, not the ones that launch missiles and certainly not the guys that do cyber attacks.


Reconnaissance drones, not the ones that launch missiles and certainly not the guys that do cyber attacks.

Incorrect on the first point, correct on the 2nd. I think they should have merged certain uav actions in with the air medal instead of making this medal with cyber warfare. The idea that a guy sitting in a room hacking it defending hacks can be awarded something over a bronze star is ridiculous.


New Member
How stupid is that?????

If they do that, then give a medal to ALL troops behind the lines that contribute to the war effort!!
Another fine example of our growing debt!!!


Lem Putt


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Lem Putt
The current crop grew up in a culture that said everyone had to get a trophy. It's not surprising that it is now necessary to make sure that everyone gets a medal.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Great, more fruit salad.

Everyone does get a medal, called National Defense. Decades ago it was hard to find someone in the navy below the rank of E-5 & with less than 5 years of service with more than 2 rows of ribbons.

Today some E-3s are so decorated, if they fell over in uniform, they would need help getting up. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, just that times have changed.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
My brother had a rack of ribbons that almost went up to his shoulder. They would just dip their tanker wing tip into a declared hostile country on purpose and poof another medal! I also loved seeing admin troops with a huge rack of ribbons while never being deployed.


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
How stupid is that?????

If they do that, then give a medal to ALL troops behind the lines that contribute to the war effort!!
Another fine example of our growing debt!!!

They already do. The National Defense medal is automatic if you're on active duty when there's a war effort. You can even get oak-leaf clusters for subsequent wars. I have three on mine.

But the individual has to purchase his/her own. The Government doesn't give them away, there's no paperwork or citations. So it doesn't even touch the national piggybank.