Pentagon Proposes Assigning Ranks To Mil Spouses


Ubi bene ibi patria
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"Fayetteville, NC – A new policy is currently being considered by the Department of Defense which would assign rank to spouses of military members.

The controversial measure which was announced yesterday is meant to address disputes and complaints. Problems would be handled between spouses instead of a dependents’ chain of command.

With a system of rank would also come legal doctrine — The Civilian Code of Spousal Justice — to mirror the military’s existing Uniform Code of Military Justice.

The policy discussion comes after a high-profile incident in which a Marine wife was not saluted as she entered her husband’s base, as well as a series of surveys conducted throughout the military to determine major issues plaguing the force. Many commanders described frustrating encounters with military spouses on “an almost daily basis.” "


I bowl overhand

I really hope this is from the Onion...

Or its the first step to getting Michelle paid?


New Member
Link to original source.

"Fayetteville, NC – A new policy is currently being considered by the Department of Defense which would assign rank to spouses of military members.

The controversial measure which was announced yesterday is meant to address disputes and complaints. Problems would be handled between spouses instead of a dependents’ chain of command.

With a system of rank would also come legal doctrine — The Civilian Code of Spousal Justice — to mirror the military’s existing Uniform Code of Military Justice.

The policy discussion comes after a high-profile incident in which a Marine wife was not saluted as she entered her husband’s base, as well as a series of surveys conducted throughout the military to determine major issues plaguing the force. Many commanders described frustrating encounters with military spouses on “an almost daily basis.” "

Another step toward socialism/marxism.


This is one of the most stupid things they've come up with yet. If they want the spouses to have a military rank, let them enlist in the military.


Well-Known Member
Will the spouses be put in boot camp to learn basic miltary protocol, rendering of salutes, etc?


off the shelf
I was never told we had to salute an officers wife. There is no reason to.

As much as some of the wives wear thier husbands rank, they should get saluted. :lmao:

I'm not sure what the protocol is now, but a few years back there were quite a few Marine bases that would salute all woman coming on base.


Well-Known Member
As a youngster growing up in the Army, officers cars had decals that designated them as officers. The car was saluted as a courtesy, regardless of who the driver was.

There is really no reason for any spouse not in the military to know who is or is not an officer out of uniform, with the exception of their spouses chain of command. In uniform is a different matter. Common sense respects a simple "sir or ma'am".

Salutes are not necessary, but common courtesy is toward anybody of any rank.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Yup, when I was a brat I had my dad's officer decal on my car. The car got saluted as I came through the gate. I'll admit it was cool! I know there are officer wives who wear their husbands rank and would b#tch in heartbeat that they did not get saluted.

Most bases don't require the decals anymore since 9/11 it has been 100% ID checks.

Once I joined the military as enlisted I was promptly told to take my dad's officer decal off my car.


Active Member
Link to original source.

"Fayetteville, NC – A new policy is currently being considered by the Department of Defense which would assign rank to spouses of military members.

The controversial measure which was announced yesterday is meant to address disputes and complaints. Problems would be handled between spouses instead of a dependents’ chain of command.

With a system of rank would also come legal doctrine — The Civilian Code of Spousal Justice — to mirror the military’s existing Uniform Code of Military Justice.

The policy discussion comes after a high-profile incident in which a Marine wife was not saluted as she entered her husband’s base, as well as a series of surveys conducted throughout the military to determine major issues plaguing the force. Many commanders described frustrating encounters with military spouses on “an almost daily basis.” "

This problem has been an issue for years. I grew up in the Marine Corps as a dependent child and married a marine who moved through both the enlisted and officer ranks. I never felt that I deserved to be saluted, although I have to admit it was nice when it did happen..

I watched many spouses berate guards at various military bases because they weren't saluted. And it NEVER had anything to do with the "sticker" which actually belongs to the active duty member... It just sickened me. I always wondered what they did to think they even earned the right, and I still do...

As spouses, we spend days and nights alone while they are deployed. We play the role of mother and father while cleaning house, dealing with the kids, mowing the lawn and learning to make minor repairs to our homes and our vehicles.... I think the single moms can relate better than anyone!

We often find ourselves talking to the walls because we want some adult conversation after a day of dealing with the kids... We learn to cope with all of it. When they call and we feel like breaking down in tears, we suck it up and tell them everything is okay, so they don't worry.... Being able to cope was enough to make me and many others proud to be a military spouse, and that should stand on its own..

When all is said and done, we are NOT the ones laying our lives down in the line of duty.... Our deployed spouse are... So exactly what has a spouse done to make them think they earn the privilege? Oh wait, I forgot this is the time of "its all about me"....
