Pentagon to service members: Deploy or else!


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
My dad enlisted in the 50's.. he did 20+ years...
I don't care what time period it is or was.. That's bad policy, no if and or buts..
Just because a service member has a handicapped child / children does not make his or her life more valuable then a service member with normal children..
If you can't deploy, you need to be handed a 214.... God what a horrible policy...

Have to agree with you. Unfortunate or not, if the service member is physically able to be deployed, then they either make accommodations for their dependents or get discharged. Especially lately, with all the multiple extended deployments for service members of all branches. Maybe a type of medical related discharge with some kind of partial retirement bennies that they can work off somehow still doing something part time for the military. a tough call, for sure.