Perhaps some people dont know me


In My Opinion
Granted, I am new here, and have not really shared that much about my way of doing things. So allow me to

It seems that I have recieved some bad karma from time to time, not enough to cause any concern, yet enough to be noticed.
They are not signed.

I dont mind the red, as a matter of fact, the red is appreciated, it means that I have said something to offend another poster. I need to know this.

the fact is that there is no way for so many people to all agree with each other, and to be honest, how much fun would the forum be if we did?

The key here is that we understand that we will not agree on everything, but at the same time, keep an open mind to the people you argue with.

an example would be Esprix and myself.
There is no way in my mind that I can accept his theory on homosexual marriage. And, Im am convinced that he will never accept mine. This does not mean that I have to discredit everything he posts. It does put me at a point where I think he understands my position, as well as I understand his.
we will not agree. No need to continue to argue that point with him.

On another subject, Larry and I did not agree. We went back and forth, and in the end, I ran out of arguments to counter his comments. I had no choice but to look deeper into the matter and decide that perhaps he was at least partially correct.
so, I can be convinced to change my stance on subjects.

the point is, if you want to give me red marks, please do. but give me a reason, and your name.
The majority of the time I will respond with a green, thanking you for your input. The reason? simple, even if I do not agree with you, I do consider your opposition to my opinion as valid and worth looking into.

I do not just use these forums for fun or to argue for the sake of argument, I use them to study other peoples reasons for thinking as they do, and compare the with the reasons that I think the way I do.

Red is good. but they have to be given honestly and with reason and a name.
A red mark is not a reason to go after someone for revenge.

I hope this clears up my reasons for being here.

You all are a great bunch of people.


bcp said:
I hope this clears up my reasons for being here.

You all are a great bunch of people.


Okay, except two... :biggrin:
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off the shelf
I don't care what anyone says about you

I still kinda like you....


sort of....

I think :confused:


No Longer the Kid
I get red bombed all the time unsigned... :lmao:

its all good, they dont pay for my house, my trucks, my dog, my bills, so why take it to heart...ya know :shrug:

but Im sure Ill get a red one telling me it's my parents house, my parents truck, my parents dog, and I dont own sh*t... cuz Im 22... well F' um...

I think your straight up :yay: dont worry bout what people know about ya..and if all else fails.. blame it on MPD :lmao:


Quit you fcukin belly achein and get a clue. This ain't real life its just entertainment. No one ever signs red Karma and we aint gona. If I don't agree with someone I send them green with a note tellin them where the can go. :yay:


off the shelf
(unsigned of course)

Ok....I'm over it
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24/7 Single Dad
bcp said:
the point is, if you want to give me red marks, please do. but give me a reason, and your name.
The majority of the time I will respond with a green, thanking you for your input. The reason? simple, even if I do not agree with you, I do consider your opposition to my opinion as valid and worth looking into.
The flaw in your proposal is the assumption that you're dealing with rational adults.


New Member
aps45819 said:
The flaw in your proposal is the assumption that you're dealing with rational adults.

Rational adults...Is that one of them funny word things... like Giant Shrimp?


aka Mrs. Giant
aps45819 said:
The flaw in your proposal is the assumption that you're dealing with rational adults.
:yeahthat: Your reasoning has been mine all along, but many forumites work themselves up into some kind of frenzy over this kind of logic. Good luck. :flowers:


New Member
Schizo said:
Like an oxymoorooon ? :razz:

Oh yea, sure. YOU go get technical on us too.

Are we gonna have to get sxyprncss to bring back her forum so we have some place to go screw off for awhile to waste valuable work time? :popcorn:


New Member
Dougstermd said:
Quit you fcukin belly achein and get a clue. This ain't real life its just entertainment. No one ever signs red Karma and we aint gona. If I don't agree with someone I send them green with a note tellin them where the can go. :yay:

'bout time someone mentioned all the "Whiners"

If you get red, you may not be as clever as you think.............