Pete Rose...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I thought they wouldn’t let him in because of his gambling

Pete was out for all time for the sin of gambling on his own team and that was that. Now, baseball has allowed, if not promoted, an entire generation of steroid use and has the dilemma of what to do with the stars of the era. Sounds pretty dumb to have all these guys who used chemicals to play better as hero's while perhaps the greatest player of all time is kept out of the conversation and awards.

So, now, Pete can come in because they gotta make excuses for the new wave of cheaters.


Well-Known Member
I thought they wouldn’t let him in because of his gambling

It was betting on his own games.

And for those of you who say he should be allowed in................

Initially he denied gambling. Then when presented with evidence it was:

Okay, I gambled, but I didn't bet on baseball. Then he was presented evidence to the contrary and it was:

Okay, I bet on baseball, but I didn't bet on the Reds while I was managing. He was presented with evidence to the contrary, and continued to deny betting on the Reds while he was the manager. Until..................he wrote his book and needed a hook to get it sold. Then it was: Okay, I bet on the Reds while I was managing, but I never bet against them and I'm sorry now. BULL......####

And just extrapolate a liiiiitle bit further................ He admitted betting point spreads..........He's managing the Reds against the Padres in San Diego one Saturday and the Reds are favored by 4 runs. Now with the pitcher he's got going he thinks he's only 2 runs better than the Padres that day. So he lays a grand on the Pad's to beat the spread. Here comes the bottom of the 8th and lo and behold, his Reds are up 7 to 2. And he brings in the reliever that was just brought up from AAA. The kid gives up 3 runs before he gets out of the inning. Pete then brings the closer in to shut the door in the 9th and the Red's win 7 to 5. Aftr the game he says: "Oh, I was just trying to get the kid some work in a non-pressure situation, where he could afford to give up a couple without too much damage."

Far-fetched? Don't think so.

He shoudn't even be allowed into the county where the Hall of Fame is located.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Far-fetched? Don't think so.

He shoudn't even be allowed into the county where the Hall of Fame is located.

What you are suggesting is that, perhaps, he shouldn't be included in the HoF as a manager. However, as a player, how does he compare to the roid brigades?


Well-Known Member
What you are suggesting is that, perhaps, he shouldn't be included in the HoF as a manager. However, as a player, how does he compare to the roid brigades?

Do you really think he didn't bet while he was a player? His attitude SCREAMS that he felt he was above the game itself. And whether he did or didn't bet as a player, the potential for people to look at baseball as WWE style fare is much too real as a result of his behavior.

And please don't think that I'm brushing 'roid use aside. I think that there should be 100% mandatory testing at least three times a season. And if you test positive, go work for Vince McMahon

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Do you really think he didn't bet while he was a player? His attitude SCREAMS that he felt he was above the game itself. And whether he did or didn't bet as a player, the potential for people to look at baseball as WWE style fare is much too real as a result of his behavior.

And please don't think that I'm brushing 'roid use aside. I think that there should be 100% mandatory testing at least three times a season. And if you test positive, go work for Vince McMahon

I do not think Rose bet on games as a player, at least not in the context of him throwing games. I think he is one of the greatest baseball players of all time and I think those type players go in the HoF.


Well-Known Member
I do not think Rose bet on games as a player, at least not in the context of him throwing games. I think he is one of the greatest baseball players of all time and I think those type players go in the HoF.

Larry, it doesn't matter what someone as intelligent as you thinks. We're talking the average fan here. All it takes is a minor leap of logic to suppose that maybe that error he made in the 4th inning was because he bet against the spread. And as Kenesaw Mountain Landis said: "....even the appearance (emphasis added) of impropriety is unacceptable.".

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Larry, it doesn't matter what someone as intelligent as you thinks. We're talking the average fan here. All it takes is a minor leap of logic to suppose that maybe that error he made in the 4th inning was because he bet against the spread. And as Kenesaw Mountain Landis said: "....even the appearance (emphasis added) of impropriety is unacceptable.".

I was content with Rose's lifetime ban. Until now.

The league, as a whole, promoted the appearance and the actual impropriety of allowing drugs to enhance performance thereby bastardizing everything players like Rose ever did. They have destroyed, intentionally, the game they supposedly care about protecting from people like Rose.

If they care so little about the game as to allow the wholesale distortion of steroids, then the very least they can do is acknowledge Rose, the ball player and that's all this is about; allowing the jay walking in as cover for the bank robbers they're gonna be celebrating the next decade or so.


Well-Known Member
Jaywalking? You're equating a baseball player/manager gambling with jaywalking? Were it you or I doing the gambling I would concur. However; for someone in Rose's position to be gambling on the sport he has direct control over is waaaaaaaay more serious than a simple citation offense. While his crime didn't rise to the level of taking someone's life; it could have been a "death sentence" for the game. How many times have you heard some
in-bred toothless moron say that wrestling is real but football/baseball/hockey/basketball(take your pick) was fixed. THAT's what Rose could have done to the game single-handedly.

I agree with you that the owners turned a blind eye. Any one of them that claims otherwise is full of what they use to make their fields such a beautiful green. HOWEVER, you don't fix the problem by saying, "Well okay Pete, since those guys cheated it's now okay that you did too." Keep 'em all out.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Jaywalking? You're equating a baseball player/manager gambling with jaywalking?

Pick your analogy. Point being Rose, the manager betting on games is, to me, nowhere near as bad as the huge number of players distorting the record books and performance levels with their steroids.


Well-Known Member
Pick your analogy. Point being Rose, the manager betting on games is, to me, nowhere near as bad as the huge number of players distorting the record books and performance levels with their steroids.

Well, we're not ever gonna agree on that one. I think they are both lifetime ban offenses. But I'll still vote for you when you run for whatever.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
HOWEVER, you don't fix the problem by saying, "Well okay Pete, since those guys cheated it's now okay that you did too." Keep 'em all out.

I agree but, that is not what is happening. Baseball, because they let so many cheat, have lowered the bar, in my view, far below Roses' offenses.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Well, we're not ever gonna agree on that one. I think they are both lifetime ban offenses. But I'll still vote for you when you run for whatever.

When McGuire and Bonds and Sosa and all the rest are banned, I'll be happy that Pete's ban is permanent.


Let Rose in....and Aaron is STILL THE HOME RUN KING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!