Pete Rose...


So, Pete in, steroid guys out?

it's BS...Hank Aaron was said to be addicted to uppers during his play....we have had this conversation a few times opinion is that everyone has done something at one time or another to gain a competitive edge...the real difference today is the level of access the media has combined with every average jane/joe's need to get their 15 minutes however possible. People will rat people out for anything...hell, they will make something up if they think they'll get on Sportscenter one night...

I guess my point is everyone said Palmerio couldn't have ever cheated...he got caught....A-Rod??? NEVER!!!! he's the prototypical baseball player...busted....Rocket???? nope...I can't rememeber the statistic...I quoted it on a previous thread..but it was something like 75% of the top 15 all time HR hitters in the last 20 years have been busted, under investigation, or have been said to have been witnessed taking steroids or another PED...

It was okay for the Babe to be drunk on the field, or Ty Cobb to be a bigot and purposely try to maim people...they are honored and celebrated as two of the greatest...but some people haven't ever officially been caught and they have been branded cheats and people are calling for their permanent ban from the's a double standard IMO


New Member
He shoudn't even be allowed into the county where the Hall of Fame is located.

That would be Otsego county. Pete has a store right across the street from the HOF and is there every HOF weekend signing autographs.

Pete is said that he really does not care about the HOF because all of his stuff is already in there except his bust. (BS)

He wants to come back to manage again. To me that is the one thing that he should never be able to do again.