Pete, you left Maine too soon...

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Man Plans Topless Coffee Shop in Maine

MADISON, Maine - Tired of the same old Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts? The Madison Planning Board tonight takes up a man's application to open a topless coffee shop on Main Street.

Normand St. Michel says his plan to employ partially nude waitresses is intended to boost the establishment's chances of success. He says the idea is to do something different to attract coffee drinkers.

St. Michel says he also wants to run a clean business in which no alcohol will be sold.

Madison's code enforcement officer says he knows of no town ordinances that would bar such an operation. Robert Dunphy Jr. also said he doesn't think the interior of the coffee shop would be visible from the street.



Originally posted by jazz lady
Man Plans Topless Coffee Shop in Maine

MADISON, Maine - Tired of the same old Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts? The Madison Planning Board tonight takes up a man's application to open a topless coffee shop on Main Street.

Normand St. Michel says his plan to employ partially nude waitresses is intended to boost the establishment's chances of success. He says the idea is to do something different to attract coffee drinkers.

St. Michel says he also wants to run a clean business in which no alcohol will be sold.

Madison's code enforcement officer says he knows of no town ordinances that would bar such an operation. Robert Dunphy Jr. also said he doesn't think the interior of the coffee shop would be visible from the street.

He is just trying to copy Mark's topless donut shop in westbrook.


24/7 Single Dad
MEs pretty cool about public indecency. There was the topless babe on her riding lawnmower a few years ago. No law against it. When I was stationed up ther in the Nav., there were little roadhouses in the middle of nowhere with live sex shows.


Asperger's Poster Child
Topless women and scalding hot coffee...good chance that something could get burned. Imagine the workers' comp claims.


Originally posted by aps45819
MEs pretty cool about public indecency. There was the topless babe on her riding lawnmower a few years ago. No law against it. When I was stationed up ther in the Nav., there were little roadhouses in the middle of nowhere with live sex shows.
:confused: never saw that stuff


Originally posted by jazz lady
MADISON, Maine - Tired of the same old Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts?

I'm tired of coffee altogether.

It stinks!

It makes people's breath stink.

I think that coffee should be banned in all public places, so that I don't have to smell it, look at it or otherwise come in indirect contact with it. In fact, I'm going to start a grass roots effort to do exactly that.

And all you SUCKERS who are hopelessly addicted to this foul-smelling behavior-altering swill CAN"T STOP ME!


Besides it'll be good for you. I'm actually protecting you from yourself.

You're welcome.