Petsmart behind Giant???


Lem Putt
greyhound said:
It is not a Pet Smart going in behind Giant. My husband is doing work on this, it is Navy housing.
Is to! It will be underground, under the housing. Like the underground mall they built in the field in Mechanicsville a few years ago.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
MMDad said:
Is to! It will be underground, under the housing. Like the underground mall they built in the field in Mechanicsville a few years ago.
I remember that! :killingme


greyhound said:
It is not a Pet Smart going in behind Giant. My husband is doing work on this, it is Navy housing.
What do you mean by navy housing? Houses or apartments? to rent or buy?


No Longer the Kid
Why are they building more Navy Housing areas if the talk around PAX is that sailors are getting out of here, and the only ones left will be chiefs and above still here...



"Fluffy world destroyer"
Softballkid said:
Why are they building more Navy Housing areas if the talk around PAX is that sailors are getting out of here, and the only ones left will be chiefs and above still here...

Because they can. :shrug:


New Member
You don't buy Navy houses, you rent them. The Navy has an agreement with a company where that company builds, and maintains the houses, and the Navy personnel pays them rent equal to their BAH. On other bases, this company has built townhomes and single family units. It will be great for people that have 2-4 year orders, so they don't have to mess with the housing market, and their kids will be in a good school district.