PG County Council says...

Larry Gude

Strung Out will no longer smoke in bars and restaurants.

Voted today...unanimous.

Goes into effect 45 days after signed by PG exec Jack Johnson...should be signed in a matter of days.
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This Space for Rent
Larry Gude said: will no longer smoke in bars and restaurants.

Voted today...unanimous.

Goes into effect 45 days after singed by PG exec Jack Johnson...should be signed in a matter of days.

Whats he going to sing? The Marlboro Man song?


Working for the weekend
Larry Gude said: will no longer smoke in bars and restaurants.

Voted today...unanimous.

Goes into effect 45 days after singed by PG exec Jack Johnson...should be signed in a matter of days.
But you can still bring in your guns and knives.......right? :killingme


Nothing to see here
CMC122 said:

Hey Otter, how do you thing Brother will handle this:lol:

Actually, I think anyone associated with the PG county govt wouldn't enter his establishment to enforce it.


New Member
Larry Gude said: will no longer smoke in bars and restaurants.

Voted today...unanimous.

Goes into effect 45 days after signed by PG exec Jack Johnson...should be signed in a matter of days.
and DC will be soon to follow :mad:


New Member
Bustem' Down said:
Don't worry, you'll get over it. They banned somking in bars and restaurants in Ireland, so if they can do it so can you and me.
yeah, i know, but i don't want to. i love having a smoke with my drink!


Super Genius
Bustem' Down said:
I like getting laid with my drink, but there's no right to do that.
Ahh, but having sex in public is illegal. Smoking is a legal activity.

Personally, I am against the government dictating what publically legal activities can and cannot happen in a privately held public establishment.

...and no, I'm not a smoker. I just prefer freedom.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
ylexot said:
Ahh, but having sex in public is illegal. Smoking is a legal activity.

Personally, I am against the government dictating what publically legal activities can and cannot happen in a privately held public establishment.

...and no, I'm not a smoker. I just prefer freedom.
this is one of those topics I don't really care about what happens. It's kind of funny to watch people get all spun up about it though. I'm a smoker, I have to go outside to smoke at work. The DOD banned all smoking in bars on military installations. I hate the smoking section in a restaurant. So I can't smoke in a bar, most bars I've seen where this is in effect have a designated smoking area where you can take/buy drinks at. I liked hown they did it in Miami, the establishments themselves decided whether or not to ban smoking. That provided great advertising.


Super Genius
And that's the way it should be. Owners can set the rules. If an owner wants to cater to non-smokers, they can do that and advertise their non-smoking status. I know many people who would prefer a bar like that. As there is a shift towards non-smokers, businesses will take notice and change their business practices or they will fail. The market should dictate, not the government.