

Salt Life
edit: as for dont even really need to join..the new points plus program has this electronic points counter..that also calculates how many points you get for can order them on ebay for pretty cheap..between that and info online..I don't see a reason to pay :shrug:

:yeahthat: I have friends that skirt around WW. However, one was using an incorrect calculator she found online. You just have to make sure it is accurate.


Dream Stealer
What do you eat and drink during the day?

I have a cruise in 2 months, so for the last 3 months I've been stepping it up at the gym and I've been doing WW. I've lost 13 lbs and several inches everywhere. I was surprised how fast the weight came off with WW. I would have lost a lot more, but I enjoy my Yuenglings on the weekends too much. :biggrin:

My problem at first I think, was not eating enough..babykins got my attention and I forgot about myself. but I am trying to eat better now, and avoid as many "extra" carbs as possible and drink lots of water..

I was actually thinking about doing WW, as they have accomadations for nursing moms..which is why I was looking at the calculaters on ebay..I may try it..seems people get good results..I think my concern was that calculating the points in a cooked meal would be difficult..ww seems to promote the use of their foods or packaged foods..which are easy to calculate but I rarely eat. are you using the new program? how easy is it to calculate points in "real" food?


Salt Life
I was actually thinking about doing WW, as they have accomadations for nursing moms..which is why I was looking at the calculaters on ebay..I may try it..seems people get good results..I think my concern was that calculating the points in a cooked meal would be difficult..ww seems to promote the use of their foods or packaged foods..which are easy to calculate but I rarely eat. are you using the new program? how easy is it to calculate points in "real" food?
I'm using the new system and for me it is easy to calculate points. WW online system has pre-populated things, and for items that do not show up on the list (yogurt/cereal for example), you enter the nutritional values and it gives you a points value.

Cooked meals are easy -- just have to be cognizant of items you are using -- butter, oil, mayonnaise, things like that.

I'm not big on packaged food in general, but I do like the occasional SmartOnes meal, or the FiberOne bar. I also love VitaTops and VitaMuffins. You can find them at Giant, and online. They are very low in points and they are a great "dessert" fix.

Fruits on the new system have a zero points value. Some veggies are zero points, but not all.


Has anyone been on this before? The post-baby weight has just been sticking, no matter what I do. I've been exercising and eating healthy (low carb) and I've managed to drop a whopping 3lbs in 3.5months.


Went in to see doctor yesterday to see what his suggestions were and he prescribed me Phentermine. Just wondering what sort of results others have had with it and what sort (and how much) exercising they were doing in addition to it.

I have been battling weight forever until I finally got into a new program called Basically, you don't eat ANYTHING that is processed or refined. I stopped consuming artificial sweeteners, soda, sugar, wheat and dairy products. I eat only vegetables, meat and fruits and have lost about 15 pounds so far. (I'm 40 yrs old, btw and it is hard to lose weight at my age.) There's other things you can eat, but basically, you're getting all the processed crap out of your system which has built up years of toxins in your body. This stuff is what has kept me from losing weight because it makes me feel like crap, I don't exercise, etc..
Check out the website.. might be a good program for you.
I took this and lost 30 pounds in 2 months last year...

Now I am suffering from post pregnancy weight too. UGH... I have lost 40 pounds in 6 weeks but still have another 25 to go for pre-preg weight.

good luck mama


Dream Stealer
I took this and lost 30 pounds in 2 months last year...

Now I am suffering from post pregnancy weight too. UGH... I have lost 40 pounds in 6 weeks but still have another 25 to go for pre-preg weight.

good luck mama

Im in the exact same boat :( I gained waaaay too much and lost 35 ilbs right away..but now it's stalled and with work and baby Im having a hard time finding time to exercise. If I have another monster one day..we will not be gaining so much..:killingme lesson learned.


Has anyone been on this before? The post-baby weight has just been sticking, no matter what I do. I've been exercising and eating healthy (low carb) and I've managed to drop a whopping 3lbs in 3.5months.


Went in to see doctor yesterday to see what his suggestions were and he prescribed me Phentermine. Just wondering what sort of results others have had with it and what sort (and how much) exercising they were doing in addition to it.

The first time on it, I lost 60lbs. I took it for 6 straight months. Then, I got pregnant and gained 50lbs. *oops!* Just did a 3 month stint (because apparently the FDA says no more than 3 months w/out a break), and lost 35lbs. The only side effects I had were dry mouth, and the occasional insomnia. But I'm a night owl so that didn't bother me. Good luck! :)

Oh... my weekly exercise consists of playing soccer 3 times a week, and chasing around a 5yr old and 10 month old.


Why is it that whenever I see the word Phentermine, I am immediately in mind of some kind of mint candy or mouthwash or something.