

Animal Poor!
It's not too bad and I can do it myself and not have to rely on someone else. :yay::yay:

yeah there are some limitations.. I don't like the biggest size of photos viewed but the rest kinda makes up for it. after programming all day I don't want to come home and do More... :lmao: But they are really good about taking suggestions and how to improve everything. :bigwhoop:


New Member
i love taking pics, but my pics always come out so grainy cause my camera is gay. =( it sucks cause ive gotten some REALLY good ones, but they are grainy cause of my camerra so it looks awful when you actully print it out or something. it makes me wanna cry =( haha just kidding. but seriously it does make me sad.


Animal Poor!
*sniff, sniff* you guys didn't like my suggestion. :bawl: My people kick ass!

already had a year subscription to my peeps... :starcat:

k jump pics are up... still going through all other pics... expect to have them all up by tomorrow night..