Picture needed for Pet Pageant Poster


New Member
rack'm said:
You're welcome..... :flowers:

I'm still partial to this one.....

<img src="http://photos.imageevent.com/dborzi/dogs/websize/12-24-05%20039.jpg">

WOW..beautiful dog!! Beautiful foto!!


New Member
My cat Tigger..with his leopard hat...


  • Bite Me....JPG
    Bite Me....JPG
    44.4 KB · Views: 98


Picture needed for Pet ... 04-04-2007 06:18 PM Dont lie and dont post pics that are not your.

Dear unsigned karma giver
This is what me and my dog think of your stinkin karma.

Nickel said:
Aww, poor beagle. Where is she now? She's really cute. :lol:
Her boys re-named her Sally. Sally didn't do very well adjusting to potty training so Pixie's mom ended up with her last I heard.... I've been afraid to ask if she's still there. Look at that face, Nick... isn't she the sweetest looking thing? :dance:


curiouser and curiouser
kwillia said:
Her boys re-named her Sally. Sally didn't do very well adjusting to potty training so Pixie's mom ended up with her last I heard.... I've been afraid to ask if she's still there. Look at that face, Nick... isn't she the sweetest looking thing? :dance:
She is adorable. Even more adorable than the foxhound I had to rehome because my baby thought she was his personal squeak toy. :dance: