pictures from forum christmas

TWLs wife

New Member
Originally posted by kwillia
Well Em... sometimes some of us have parties or gatherings in our private home rather than in a public setting. When that happens the parties aren't opened to the public and not everyone gets invited. But the secret lunches are held in a public setting....:dance:

I understand. Was it fun kwilla?


Set Trippin
Originally posted by kwillia
You mean PFGal was the one sitting at Lone Star while we were all at Monterey's...:confused:
Right, and remember, even after she got to the right place she wandered around the place for 20 minutes like a moron unable to find all 15 of us...:crazy:


Be about it
Originally posted by mainman
Right, and remember, even after she got to the right place she wandered around the place for 20 minutes like a moron unable to find all 15 of us...:crazy:

Once again..that was tys_mommy...goonie-heads!!


Southern Beyotch
Originally posted by kwillia
I'm glad you understand, that way you can help explain it to Em if she doesn't...:smile:

I still don't understand. Tigg, can you please help me out on this one.


Southern Beyotch
Originally posted by fddog
wow that chic in #12 is hot, if i knew she was gonna be there i would have come :wink:

I could sooooo edit this response, but I would soooo get banned!:bubble:


Be about it
Originally posted by tys_mommy
Nah, I've got 3 posts on here that say it was you:roflmao:

Mainman will vouch that it was NOT me!!! We were 2 of the 1st ones there and I even used his cell phone to call your late tail!


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by fddog
wow that chic in #12 is hot, if i knew she was gonna be there i would have come :wink:
I know!

I'm making $7 each for color 8x10s at the Navy Base.


Be about it
Originally posted by kwillia
I get to charge an extra $10 cause I'm getting her to autograph mine...:neener:


Hey Kyle...I'll bet you could get more for this picture - ya know, since it includes 3 forum hoochies and all! :shrug:



Bow wow
Originally posted by PFgal

Hey Kyle...I'll bet you could get more for this picture - ya know, since it includes 3 forum hoochies and all! :shrug:

i have that one on the market already so everyone back off


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by PFgal

Hey Kyle...I'll bet you could get more for this picture - ya know, since it includes 3 forum hoochies and all! :shrug:

Yeah! Yeah! Definitely potential there. A nice 12x17 that they'll want to take to sea.... And a bit of cleavage showing... About a $20. :lmao:

Almost time for me to go... Have a good weekend. :howdy:


Happy Camper!
I have some number #12 pictures from the past 25 years that I can sell you if the price is right:really: