Pictures From New England...



I think I would have rather been in New England, at least they got snow not ice! My brother sent me these pictures.


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Katie said:
I think I would have rather been in New England, at least they got snow not ice! My brother sent me these pictures.
Thanks Katie. I agree on the snow. Ice sux! :ohwell:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Your first picture definitely reminds me of the years we lived outside of Worcester! We have pictures of my mom and us kids trying to dig out our car that was buried like that. It took us HOURS.


Goodness that is a lot of snow! I really hate ice. Hopefully it will melt a little today


Lord, I apologize.
In '79 we had 36+" of parents had a Datsun 1200 at the time, you could only see the black vinyl top in the snow. :killingme
AC/DC said:
In '79 we had 36+" of parents had a Datsun 1200 at the time, you could only see the black vinyl top in the snow. :killingme
I remember that. We dug tunnels under the snow and played war in them.


What really stinks about snow that deep is lifting your foot up and realizing you no longer have a boot.


Lord, I apologize.
Kizzy said:
What really stinks about snow that deep is lifting your foot up and realizing you no longer have a boot.

It's always nice to do when out in the swamp too. :yay:


AC/DC said:
It's always nice to do when out in the swamp too. :yay:

Worse, I think. Snow doesn't cling on like mud, making your shoe weigh a fricken ton.
Katie said:
I think I would have rather been in New England, at least they got snow not ice! My brother sent me these pictures.

That's what I'm talking about!!!

I'm still holding out hope for one good storm this year! :biggrin:
jazz lady said:
Your first picture definitely reminds me of the years we lived outside of Worcester! We have pictures of my mom and us kids trying to dig out our car that was buried like that. It took us HOURS.

Yes, it sure does bring back memories of growing up in Connecticut when we had "real" snowstorms!!! School was never cancelled because people in the NorthEast know how to remove snow on the roads and also know how to drive carefully in the snow!!


New Member
AC/DC said:
In '79 we had 36+" of parents had a Datsun 1200 at the time, you could only see the black vinyl top in the snow. :killingme

:lol: I was a bun in the oven for that storm........:neener:

ewww....wait a minute...I Was born in August, so maybe that is how I got here....:barf:


I bowl overhand
Katie said:
I think I would have rather been in New England, at least they got snow not ice! My brother sent me these pictures.

Where in New England? Got some pictures from my Mom today, that show a little snow on top of their friends porch.. Sister and BiL live in Suthern NH, Mom and Dad live in NORTHERN NH!!


I bowl overhand
AC/DC said:
In '79 we had 36+" of parents had a Datsun 1200 at the time, you could only see the black vinyl top in the snow. :killingme
First time in history I-93 was closed.. was out of school over a week, and people on snowmobils were rescuing people stranded in their cars, going to get groceries.. getting people to work that HAD to be at work.. FUN times!!