Pig Roast


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Check with Grille Sargent in Solomons. They brought a pig to a company party I recently attended and it shot fireworks out of its back and butt. :roflmao:


Look my ass glows!
CMC122 said:
Does anyone know about how much money a whole pig runs that would be suitable for a pig roast party?
Are you talking about doing the whole job yourself? Getting the hog, shooting it, hanging it up, slitting it's throat, dipping it in steaming hot water, scraping it, etc..or just buying a small pig already cooked?
If you do it yourself-plan to set aside at least 16+ hours just for cooking. It is an all day/night event-plan on having plenty of help-you'll need it.


Does my butt look big?
Kwillia and Jazz are both right...Wee is 99.9 lbs I had to promise hubby if he hit 100 we would eat him...damn shame that pig is so small and will never reach 100 lbs..Seems like just yesterday he was running around the house..sleeping on the couch and beds and sleeping under the computer desk as I tucked my little toes under him to keep them warm...Ahhhhhhhhh the old days..now :yikes:


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Pasofever said:
Wee is 99.9 lbs I had to promise hubby if he hit 100 we would eat him.

How about I put my thumb on that scale. :jet:

Call me when Wee does parties. He'll be first on the list. :drool:


Does my butt look big?
Sharon said:
How about I put my thumb on that scale. :jet:

Call me when Wee does parties. He'll be first on the list. :drool:

I think he is too old and tough now...plus he is slick when hubby starts a fire he runs like hell to the barn. He is a smart one I tell ya ask Jazz he is smarter then most peeps kids..

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Pasofever said:
I think he is too old and tough now...

I'm sure with enough tenderizer, marinade and slow-cooking, plus some Sweet Baby Ray's sauce, we could make him palatable. :yum:

plus he is slick when hubby starts a fire he runs like hell to the barn. He is a smart one I tell ya ask Jazz he is smarter then most peeps kids..

Hell, he's smarter than most peeps PERIOD. :lol:


Does my butt look big?
jazz lady said:
I'm sure with enough tenderizer, marinade and slow-cooking, plus some Sweet Baby Ray's sauce, we could make him palatable. :yum:

Hell, he's smarter than most peeps PERIOD. :lol:

Shiat he is smarter then JPC (? or whatever his name is) and he is running for office..Plus he is a hellava farmer and cultivater..ask the neighbor he back hoed his new shrubs up for him..:yay:


Pitty Party
Pasofever said:
Shiat he is smarter then JPC (? or whatever his name is) and he is running for office..Plus he is a hellava farmer and cultivater..ask the neighbor he back hoed his new shrubs up for him..:yay:


jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Pasofever said:
Shiat he is smarter then JPC (? or whatever his name is) and he is running for office..
Hell, I've seen turnips that are smarter than JPC. :rolleyes:

Plus he is a hellava farmer and cultivater..ask the neighbor he back hoed his new shrubs up for him..:yay:
I'm sure your neighbor is VERY appreciative. :lmao: But no poopaloupes this year?


Does my butt look big?
jazz lady said:
Hell, I've seen turnips that are smarter than JPC. :rolleyes:

I'm sure your neighbor is VERY appreciative. :lmao: But no poopaloupes this year?

I think he is working on crapamellons this year :ohwell:


Go Braves!
Fubar said:
Are you talking about doing the whole job yourself? Getting the hog, shooting it, hanging it up, slitting it's throat, dipping it in steaming hot water, scraping it, etc..or just buying a small pig already cooked?
If you do it yourself-plan to set aside at least 16+ hours just for cooking. It is an all day/night event-plan on having plenty of help-you'll need it.
I know it is atleast a 24 hour job if we did it all the cooking ourselves. We've helped others do it a time or two.

And you aren't grossing me out:lol: I grew up on a farm and have helped slaughter plenty of pigs and other animals:jet:

I could actually get one from my Dad but he's 3 hours away now which isn't too convienant when you think about transporting and storing properly. His pig would be leaner too, they always are:ohwell:


Try the Amish gentleman, Henry, on Thompson Corner Road. It's about a mile in towards the Budds Creek end. There is a sign that reads "Barbeque Hog" or something along those lines. He charges between $.90 to $1.05 per pound with a $25.00 cleaning fee!!! (He will dress and scrap all the hair) It's a great deal, but he does need some notice and is closed on Sundays. In terms of serving, figure about a pound of pig per person. (i.e. 100 people = 100lb pig) You can rent a cooker from most rental places that will take approx 12- 15 hours to cook a pig. You could also dig a pit which would take the same amount of time. A third option would be buying or building a cajun microwave style cooker. An affordable one can be found at:


It only takes about 7 or 8 hours.
Good luck


Go Braves!
ski357 said:
Try the Amish gentleman, Henry, on Thompson Corner Road. It's about a mile in towards the Budds Creek end. There is a sign that reads "Barbeque Hog" or something along those lines. He charges between $.90 to $1.05 per pound with a $25.00 cleaning fee!!! (He will dress and scrap all the hair) It's a great deal, but he does need some notice and is closed on Sundays. In terms of serving, figure about a pound of pig per person. (i.e. 100 people = 100lb pig) You can rent a cooker from most rental places that will take approx 12- 15 hours to cook a pig. You could also dig a pit which would take the same amount of time. A third option would be buying or building a cajun microwave style cooker. An affordable one can be found at:


It only takes about 7 or 8 hours.
Good luck
Good deal! Thank you!


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Pasofever said:
NO you can not have him..
I hate to tell you this, but THAT is not a pig! I think Wee has mutated itself into something no longer desirable for plate or palate, but for something more suitable for Science Weekly, Guinness or Atkins "Before"... :lmao: With a face only a mother (and Aunt Jazzy) could love and an arse fitting for the county life! :huggy: