Larry, you are on POINT today!
...well, let's see if it gets me a date with my wife.
I'm pretty sure I have a date with her tonight and I didn't have to go through all that. I'm just saying :shrug:
Larry, you are on POINT today!
...pretty sure tonight is NOT the weekend and you don't like Slayer either, so, that makes it easier.
I'd put a wig on her, and some new lingerie.
I'd wear a speedo, chaps and a cowboy hat.
And then we can both pretend we're cheating. She can call me Papi, and I'll call her #####.
That's so freakin hot. I'm gonna do that.
I'd fall in love all over again.
Who in the heck is Slayer? :shrug:
The voices in your head sure are keeping you busy Larry.
Its seems he feels guilty
...that, basically, plays the soundtrack of the apocalypse.
It's music.
I'm just saying. How do you get bored with someone you don't even know???
That would describe easily half the married people I know - they don't know each other. They got into over a strong mutual attraction, began a life together but largely live as two single people who don't cheat but share a bed. They do nothing *together* and have no common interests.
See, I never understood that. You hear of these women/men whose spouse has been cheating for years and they swear they never knew - it's like, how the hell could you NOT know??? My crazy step-sister's husband actually had a whole 'nother family that he lived with part time, and she says she didn't know a thing about it.
...that was a self defense mechanism, just couldn't bear to acknowledge it?