PINO (President-in-name-only) Joe Biden


PREMO Member
It is clear that PINO (President-in-name-only) Joe Biden is going to get impeached. I didn't think that was true until recently, not because he doesn't deserve it – he massively deserves it – but because Republicans are generally weak. Impeachment is hard, and at the end of the day, he won't be removed from office anyway. But there's too much evidence out there now to avoid it. The GOP simply cannot explain to its base how it turned over this rock o' graft and ignored the wriggling worms underneath. So, the House will eventually impeach him, but only barely, because some Republicans are weak and because every single Democrat absolutely supports the PINO's complete and total corruption. It will be a gesture, but there's no alternative. At some point, you can't deny the corruption. I mean, you can if you're a Democrat, but not if you're an honest and decent human being, which leaves out the Democrats.

The latest outrage is a $10 million bribe. However, there will undoubtedly be a new outrage between the time I write this and the time you read it because the outrages are coming fast and furious, unlike Biden, who is slow and delirious. The beauty of this bribe, because you really have to appreciate the unbelievable chutzpah behind it, is that Biden and his scumbag mob got $10 million to make the Ukes fire a prosecutor looking at Burisma, something this dust puppet admitted in public on video, and then Trump got impeached for a phone call where he dared mention the firing of this prosecutor. There's a kind of perfection there, a symmetry that you have to appreciate even as the whole endeavor makes you want to projectile vomit.

And speaking of projectile vomiting, the other stuff that is swirling around, particularly the ham-handed cover-up of Methhead McStrippertapper's antics while every dirtbag prosecutor in the country is trying to frame Trump, only makes a Biden impeachment more certain. Now, understand that Kevin McCarthy doesn't want to impeach Biden. It's not that he likes Biden. He thinks Biden is a human colon polyp. It's just that Kev has a plan for what he wants to get through the House of Representatives that he fought so hard to become speaker of, but his agenda keeps getting overtaken by the corruption of these degenerates in the White House. Their perfidy is so all-encompassing and undeniable that McCarthy can't avoid dropping everything else to focus on the only possible remedy for their crimes.

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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Impeachment is bullshit. Clinton showed us that. They were impeaching Trump every other day and all it was was a Democrat temper tantrum.

It's like censure - who cares? "We have voted multiple times and spent years investigating so we can formally chastise you for this thing you did." :insertwankingemojihere: Democrats never get actually punished for their crimes.


Well-Known Member
There is no way in hell that Democrats will cast a vote for impeachment.
There is no way in hell that Republicans can do it alone.

Democrats know as well as we do that even if this man were not guilty of the corruption that he has done, that his mind is not capable of going forward and President, but they have no intention of giving up that power for the good of the country. They do not care about the good of the country, I believe the last couple of years have already proven that. Only the power they have through this demented old thief matters to them.

They are frightened to death of another Trump term. A term which will open the eyes of Americans to the corruption and plans to destroy the US through Democrats policies. We are on the crux of either saving our country or giving it up to the Woke Crowd.
At 80 I can make it through the rest of my life through just about anything, but for God's sake people look at what your children and grandchildren will have to go through if Democrats take back the Senate, House and the Presidency. The democrat party must be held to account for past destruction and the plans to destroy us even further. IMO Trump is the only man who can do it.

It isn't about party The republicans as a party eat the same sht as the democrats only not quite as much of it, and they are cowards.. It is about one man of courage , that man has a proven history of successful ability that no one else has.


Well-Known Member
Impeachment is bullshit. Clinton showed us that. They were impeaching Trump every other day and all it was was a Democrat temper tantrum.

It's like censure - who cares? "We have voted multiple times and spent years investigating so we can formally chastise you for this thing you did." :insertwankingemojihere: Democrats never get actually punished for their crimes.
That was the author's entire point; that it's tilting at windmills, but it's something that he, at least, feels they have no choice.

It's like the judiciary telling the po-po they can no longer violate citizens' right, but the cops do it anyway. Google "Kansas Two-step," for example. They'll give lip service, and turn around and ignore the judge like they almost always do.


Well-Known Member
What's sad is - Nixon WOULD have been removed from office, with votes from both Republicans and Democrats. They all knew he was a crook.

Although, to be truthful - if what is said against Biden is true - Nixon was a saint in comparison.
I don't see Nixon as a crook. He wasn't involved in corruption and he didn't spy like Obama did on Trump.
Nixon was stupid enough not to destroy the tapes. He should have destroyed the tapes.


Well-Known Member
Impeachment is bullshit. Clinton showed us that. They were impeaching Trump every other day and all it was was a Democrat temper tantrum.

It's like censure - who cares? "We have voted multiple times and spent years investigating so we can formally chastise you for this thing you did." :insertwankingemojihere: Democrats never get actually punished for their crimes.
We really should have a whanking emoji.