Highlander's MPD
Geek said:So you strive to be "the common" type? You would be happy if everyone was "approximately average in any psychological trait"? I am so glad everyone does not fit into your definition of normal. If we did not have people "outside the norm" How many advances do you think people would have made as a "society". When a person hates a whole group it tells me they have not tried to expand their horizons and learn about different cultures and types of people. Get in your little box Dork, lock it up tight, the world will pass you.
(Geek/Dork fight)
What does expanding my horizons and learning about other cultures have to do with two men who can't read the sign "Exit Only." Homosexuality is not a culture, it's an illness or defect. I don't think we should hate gay people. Gay people should be able to live as happily as possible, as long as they know they have limitations with their defect. Should we let blind people drive? Do you want someone with Parkinson's disease performing surgery on you?