Pizza Wars


Asperger's Poster Child
Dougstermd said:
Nestle my pirate tonio.

more importantly did luke skywalker /papajohn have relations with his sister princess corbi:confused:

In the original trilogy, having Leia end up with Han always seemed like a mistake to me. It was obvious in the first movie that Luke had a massive crush on Leia.


Well-Known Member
Pete said:
<marquee direction=up scrollamount="1" scrolldelay="1">500 years ago, In a pizza place, on a planet far far away, there were forumites eating lunch. In an epic struggle between good and evil a child runs wild, but in that child's veins course the FORCE, a power that once harnessed would be pivotal in saving the planet from bad pizza and in justice throughout the Universe. This is the story of that struggle and the epic battles that ensued between the young Jedi and Darth Peperoni<marquee>
I read:

And isn't it pepperoni? :confused:
