Place beyond the pines...

Larry Gude

Strung Out, easily, one of the dumbest movies I have EVER seen.


Like, obnoxiously dumb because they do just enough to hold out that, somehow, this moronic flick is, somehow, going to pull all these disparate pieces together, someway.

They don't. It's just a dumb movie where, part way through writing the script either someone else took over to finish it and they didn't read the first part or they wrote the last part first and the first part is from some other movie they wanted to make but were afraid would never get made, because it's dumb, and, they threw it in there just to use it.

Annoyingly dumb.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
But Sharknado is stupid, good, campy fun because it is so bad. :lol:

Yeah, and that has it's own value.

Pines is just suspenseful and stressful with no outlet. It's dark and empty and pointless and just leaves loose end after loose end. There's nothing funny about it, even unintentionally.


Well-Known Member, easily, one of the dumbest movies I have EVER seen.


Like, obnoxiously dumb because they do just enough to hold out that, somehow, this moronic flick is, somehow, going to pull all these disparate pieces together, someway.

They don't. It's just a dumb movie where, part way through writing the script either someone else took over to finish it and they didn't read the first part or they wrote the last part first and the first part is from some other movie they wanted to make but were afraid would never get made, because it's dumb, and, they threw it in there just to use it.

Annoyingly dumb.
Damn, I've got this in my queue on Netflix, sounded really good. Oh well, scratch that one.